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Gabriel Fontana1709161774

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  1. Hi. I have an ADC and CVAD (VirtualApps and Desktops), all on-premise......We bought CVAD subscriptions, and we plan a migration to this environment. I configured some test VDI in this environment, and tested with workspace URL (https//myname.cloud.com). All works fine. Now, about ADC, we don´t want to use the Workspace URL at all. We want to continue using our ADC URL to access to desktops of the CVAD subscriptions. I make several searches for information, and I only found serveral integrations between ADC and Workspace but they all continue using the Workspace URL, for main user access or for configure in the workspace app. Is there a way to this? I mean, use our ADC URL to access to desktops of the CVAD subscriptions.
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