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Jonathan Pitre1709161645

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Posts posted by Jonathan Pitre1709161645

  1. Not the proper approach, best to use the new shellbridge reg key with vda 2206. ADAL auth is legacy at this point.

    If the issue still occurs, add this to a user logon script.

    # Fix Office 365 SSO on Windows Server 2019 - https://discussions.citrix.com/topic/403721-office-365-pro-plus-shared-activation-password-screen-not-able-to-select/page/9
    # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/troubleshoot/authentication/automatic-authentication-fails
    $AADPluginState = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin).Status
    If ($AADPluginState -ne "Ok")
        Add-AppxPackage -Register "$env:windir\SystemApps\Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_cw5n1h2txyewy\Appxmanifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode -ForceApplicationShutdown


  2. @JeremySaunders is right about the reg values. However in my case, even when they are applied manually and tattooed to the base image, I still get the gray screen of death.

    The only workaround is to remove them completely. Now it is still unclear if these reg values are still required. I'm still waiting on Citrix for confirmation.

    If I could get my hands on some WPF benchmarking tool I could tell if GPU offloading is working or not.

    For OpenCL, GPU Caps Viewer provide OpenCL demos and they work fine without the reg value.



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