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Richard Faulkner

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Community Answers

  1. Richard Faulkner's post in What is special about the LB types MQTT and MQTT_TLS on Netscaler? was marked as the answer   
    The Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) load balancing let's you front end multiple MQTT broker pools and send traffic only to those pools that are responding properly when probed. It brings the Load Balancing and protection capabilities of the NetScaler to MQTT traffic. MQTT_TLS is the secure method of that load balancing.
    For more information, review this link.
  2. Richard Faulkner's post in How to configure a service group to scale automatically, is there a way to gracefully transition server out of service? was marked as the answer   
    Services can be removed from use gracefully from the GUI or the CLI. You can find the commands for CLI or the navigation for the GUI here:https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-adc/current-release/clustering/cluster-managing/graceful-shutdown-of-services.html#:~:text=all%20cluster%20nodes.-,To%20configure%20graceful%20shutdown%20for%20a%20service%20by%20using%20the,wait%20time%2C%20and%20select%20Graceful.
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