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Alberto Moreno

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Everything posted by Alberto Moreno

  1. Thanks @Rick Davis Only one more doubt about: When you say "http(s?)://servername.domain.com/anytext/(.*)" anytext is a literal? or is a wildcard? Tomorrow we will test url trasformation ;-) Reagrds!!
  2. Yes!! I delete "bypassSafetyCheck" and now can be created Thanks!!
  3. reviewing this note: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX221363/remove-beginning-section-of-url-using-rewrite-policy I try this: add rewrite action test replace HTTP.REQ.URL "\"/\"+HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH_AND_QUERY.STRIP_START_CHARS(\"/start_of_path/\")" -bypassSafetyCheck YES but we are receiving this error: Expression syntax error [ath/\")" -^bypassSafe, Offset 76] Any ideas? Reagrds
  4. Sorry, i said "I tried but I can make it works." but I mean "I tried but I can't make it works."
  5. Hello I'm rookie in netscaler configuration. We need to rewrite a URL like this: https://servername.domain.com/anytext/anytext2 to https://servername.domain.com/anytext2 and send this to the backend service I know that we need to configure the a rewrite action and rewrite policy and then bind to the lbvs. Did you how to configure this rewrite policy? I tried but I can make it works. Would be very appreciated if someone can tell us how to configure action and policy Regards
  6. Hello, I follow document: https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/netscaler-k8s-ingress-controller/crds/rewrite-responder.html to try to create rewritepolicy (responder) example inside the doc (blocklisturls example). My steps: Deployed CRD (rewrite-responder-policies-deployment.yaml) Deployed this yaml to create rewite/responder policy: apiVersion: citrix.com/v1 kind: rewritepolicy metadata: name: blocklisturls namespace: cattle-monitoring-system spec: responder-policies: - servicenames: - rancher-monitoring-prometheus responder-policy: respondwith: http-payload-string: '"bloqueado"' respond-criteria: 'http.req.url.equals_any("blocklisturls")' comment: 'Blocklist certain Urls' patset: - name: blocklisturls values: - '/app2' - '/app3' Then try to deploy ingress config as follow: apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: prometheus-ingress namespace: istio-system annotations: ingress.citrix.com/insecure-port: "80" ingress.citrix.com/frontend-ip: "" ingress.citrix.com/rewrite-responder_crd: "blockurlpolicy" spec: rules: - host: kialirtf.intranet.mango.es http: paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: istio-ingressgateway port: number: 80 I see the responder policy is created successfully in NetScaler VPX and also we see the reponder policy created too. But the bind between lbvs and responder policy is not created ¿? If we bind manually inside NetScaler it works perfectly. Did you know wht's wring in the test case? Why responder policy is not binded to lbvs? Thanks in advanced.
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