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Andreas Koch

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Posts posted by Andreas Koch

  1. Finally i got a synced store, but...


    I did a backup of my config from node1

    Restore on node2

    reseted node2 to unconfigured (the trick is, all certs keep in place)

    replicated from node1 to node 2 (same failed -node1-, success  -node2-  as before)

    resynced once again and both sides are ok

    when adding a new store, the first sync fails...

    ... but the 2nd succeeds.


    citrix case 82136020 if someone needs a reference 

  2. Hi Team,


    i got 2 new server 2019 incl 2023-07 up and running.

    No antivirus in place yet.

    Installed storefront on both servers.

    Applied an internal wildcard cert for iis.

    Configured the first storefront and checked functionality.

    Went to my second storefront and added to existing group.

    Giving the name and token of my first server.

    Secondary node say's finished successful.

    Primary gives an error with unsuccessful sync.


    So what i did:

    Double-checked DNS / DHCP and reverse Lookup zones

    Disabled ip v6

    Reading nearly every article advised by anty GOOGLE!


    As this is my first storefront install for this year and also my LAB installation throws the same error, I'm asking my self ift this could be related to the latest protocol modifications by Microsoft.


    Any ideas welcome.

    THX Andreas

  3. Hi Guys,


    after upgrading our netscalers to lates firmware we can see all systems crashing.
    Affected are VPXs and MPXs.

    TM, CS and Gateway - traffic cause immediately this behavior.

    We also open a ticket with citrix support and if needed we will share the ticket number for faster case tracking.


    Any idea welcome

    thx Andreas

  4. Hi Guys,

     i'm getting a error "AAA Client Handler: Found extended error code 589827, ReqType 16386 request /AGServices/Discover" on Netscaler 13 latest patch with storefront 2022cu1 in the back.

    Every OS is working fine but mobile (android and iOS)

    I only found a very old hint within the support. and i tried to turn off ica proxy as mentioned.




    I'm pretty sure the error is sitting in front of the computer.

    If anybody got's a hint, it would be perfect.


    Thx, Andreas

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