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Rakesh Kondabattini

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Posts posted by Rakesh Kondabattini

  1. Citrix Studio-Version: 1912.0.3000

    Provisioning Services Console-Version:

    Hypervisor-vSphere Client version


    I scheduled a reboot directly through studio at to reboot daily for all my some of the delivery groups but some of the VM reboots fine and some of the VMs does gets powered off and i had to manually reboot those machines daily this is kind of manual job daily.


    Can some one suggest me how to fix this issue at earliest.

  2. Hi All,


    I am looking for 2 Factor with Google Authenticator and Netscaler 13.0 version Could some one suggest with step by step process for this ..


    As we are looking for cost cutting instead of  soft RSA token we would like to replace with Google Auth which is for free in the current market and if someone could suggest me the process .


    We already have RADIUS server existing and netscaler with 13.0 build 52.24 with HA available.



    Please let me know if you any more information for the clarification 


    Kindly do needful 

  3. Hello All,


    My PVS-1 LTSR CU5 

    Could some one provide me the formula how to calculate the RAM-Write Cache -Page File ?

    I would be planning to deploying 100 Servers.

    I tried not finding any proper formula to set page file ,RAM,Write Cache

    For Applications and Desktop delivery

    Desktop for 15 users minimum

    Application 15 users minimum 

  4. I have a VMware VM built with 2016



    1.      MS Windows 2016 Standard (OS build-14393-2969)

    2.      VDA VM sizing –Setup 4 cores on 2 sockets all about 8 VCPU’s  and RAM allocation to 32 GB

    3.      Dedicated drive setup with X: drive letter for RAM write cache –Page file setup as per the standards with above requirement

    4.      The Nic should be  Adapter type- VMXNET3

    5.      Removed the floppy drive

    6.      Removed any serial or LPT ports

    7.      For vSphere, configure the CD-ROM to boot from IDE instead of SATA. SATA comes with VM hardware version. SATA won’t work with PvS

    8.      Installed the latest version of VMware Tools

    9.      Installed the latest patches for OS 2016 standard server

    10.  Disabled NIC hotplug

    11.  Disabled IE Enhanced Security Configuration in Server Manager

          12.Added Citrix Administrators group to the local Administrators group on the VDA. Computer Management.

           13.For windows updates-we have Choosen when updates are installed to Semi –Annual Channel


    My question is like


    What is the page file recommendation’s for the above requirement for PVS master Device  ?


    Do i need to setup RAM for O ?


    What is the Anti-virus Symantec 14.1  recommendation’s for PVS master device?


  5. "Unable to connect to the server. Contact your system administrator with the following error" When Launching Desktop "


    We found many colleagues have issue to launch Citrix with many different types of errors (error code 10060 / no available server to access and so on ) from this morning UTC+8. I tried to find something in the AppCenter.


    I can see many sessions pending in the background. About 10 servers contains no citrix sessions. So less than about 25 servers are woking normally

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