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Posts posted by ArnaudP1

  1. Jeff,


    You need to have both NetScaler with same Firmware if you want to create a HA Pair.

    My suggestion here would be:

    1. Upgrade from 12.0 to 12.1 with same Firmware.

    2. Configure HA Pair.

    3. Validate HA Pair synchronization is working and test Failover.

    4. Upgrade secondary node to 13.0 or later and reboot.

    5. After reboot, failover and test connection.

    6. Upgrade remaining node, reboot and failover.

    7. Test connection.




  2. 8 hours ago, Support SADIES said:


    Yes the possible solution is upgrade but I read this:



    I don't have licence support and my file licence file has date 2020.0700... I don't sur can upgrade the firmware...





    Can you try to redownload your license file which should present newer date and as so allow you to upgrade the Firmware.




  3. 39 minutes ago, Support SADIES said:

    What...you're right....I try with wrong password and any validation I can login... There is not a solution do a 2FA if I can login without password.


    I don't understand. To follow DUO article with nFactor I need AAA and I not have the licence....




    Thanks Arnaud for your time. I appreciate


    In this case I would recommend to update Firmware. Starting from release 13.0 build 67.x, nFactor authentication is supported with Standard license.

    So Upgrade Firmware and then follow DUO documentation.





  4. 4 minutes ago, Support SADIES said:

    Yes finally that works!!!!


    I delete all and reconfigure and java message not appears.

    Rdweb works fine!!


    Now I can view in my receiver that 2 password field appears and can't login (incorrect password)



    I need to modify and pesonalise some configuration?


    So here, you have 2 options:

    1. Use nFactor to configure DUO and follow this article:https://duo.com/docs/citrix-netscaler-nfactor

    2. Check the LDAP configuration, on LDAP-Receiver, you can uncheck authentication to hide Mode de passe 2, if I am correct.


    Thanks for letting me know.




  5. On 1/19/2023 at 6:22 PM, Support SADIES said:

    I add authentication in Authentication/Dashboard section and bind to vs


    For your authentication profile i have:




    I dont know how configure it...


    I use this guide https://duo.com/docs/citrix-netscaler#configure-the-proxy-for-your-citrix-gateway and I obtain de login a prompt for duo like this:



    I can login but after a pop-up and this message appears:



    is something about the Content-Security-Policy header.?


    Thanks a lot a lot for your help





    The message above shows that your are trying to launch SSL-VPN, I think you create an Unified Gateway site instead of Citrix Gateway using the Wizard, no?



  6. 10 minutes ago, Lukas Meyer1709162786 said:

    Because we do not have a license for creating a VIP in Netscaler (Traffic Management - Virtual Serer) we think about following setup:


    Netscaler ADC

    Server 1 with Storefront and Delivery Controller

    Server 2 with Storefront and Delivery Controller


    DNS-Entry for sf.contoso.com with IP of Server 1 and 2 (Round robin)

    On Netscaler Session profile shows to sf.contoso.com

    Both Servers as STA configured

    Netscaler uses intermal DNS-Server, so will resolve sf.contoso.com with IP1 or IP2

    On Store Server 1 and 2 are configured as Deliery Controller with https and load balancing enabled


    When we test this by shutdown one of the Servers mostly login failes, sometimes with the message "Ica mode status is not okay". 

    When we delete one of the dns-entries and wait long enough until Netscaler sees the server as down, it is working well


    Could it work like that with dns round robin or is this bullshit?


    Thanks for feedback.



    Which license do you have to now have the option to create Load Balance Virtual Server?




  7. 2 hours ago, Anders Eriksson 2 said:



    Is this feature not supported any longer, when trying to create new bookmark it fails with Invalid URL. I tried the same through CLI and gave same error.

    I have searched a lot around this topic, but cannot find any updated information about this.


    Running NS13.0 88.14.nc




    Hello Anders,


    The bookmark should be a web address not UNC path?



  8. On 5/18/2022 at 5:48 AM, Jonas Henriksson1709156842 said:

    He have issues with bad logon performance on Windows 10 20H2 VDI. We are using PVS and Citrix Hypervisor to host the machines. For user profiles we use Ivanti Environment Manager Personalization. Citrix Optimizer was run on the image.


    With ControlUp we get the following result when running Logon Analysis. Can anyone help with how to handle this AppX Load time and the Gap between Group Policy and AppX Phases?


    Source      Phase                                              Duration (s) Start Time End Time    Gap (s)
    ------           -----                                                  ------------ ---------- --------                     -------
    Windows  Windows Logon Time                0.0                 11:27:36.4   11:27:36.4        
    Windows  User Profile                                   0.5                 11:27:38.2   11:27:38.6   1.8    
    Windows  Group Policy                                  1.0                 11:27:38.6   11:27:39.6   0.0    
    Shell          AppX File Associations            3.9                 11:28:26.7   11:28:30.6   47.0   
    Shell          AppX - Load Packages              111.4               11:28:26.8  11:30:18.1        
    Shell          ActiveSetup                                 0.0                  11:28:27.0   11:28:27.0        
                        Windows Duration                      160.0


    Hello Jonas,


    Did you look here: https://www.controlup.com/resources/blog/entry/logon-duration-research-appx-packages/


    It's well explained with lot of tests and details that could help you.




  9. On 5/19/2022 at 7:08 AM, Nicolas Bautista Correa said:

    Hi all:


    We are deploying EPA in n-factor for ICA proxy access and we would like to know if EPA uses citrix gateway universal license or the standard licenses.

    Currently our citrix gateway virtual server has set the ICA-only option as ON and the CItrix ADC has installed an ADC advanced license


    Thank you and best regards




    Hello Nicolas,


    I would say no as Universal Licenses are used for VPN, running an EPA on Ednpoint does not bring up a VPN.





  10. 1 hour ago, Bert Kaeding said:

    Hi all,


    netscaler 13.0 85.15 throws the following error when adding an intranet url:


    > add vpn url OWA OWA "/owa" -vServerName lb_vsrv_ex2016_owa_ugw -ssotype unifiedgateway -applicationtype VPN
    ERROR: Invalid URL


    Same via GUI.


    Any suggestions?


    Thanks in advance


    Hi Bert,


    The bookmark should not be "/owa" but "https://server_name_fqdn/owa"




  11. 2 hours ago, Matthew Riddler1709154367 said:

    Sorry, also I am using LDAP for password auth & hoping to use duo just for 2fa. Also this store will also only be used by the web browser, no requirement for receiver config. Do I need to have the 2 entries in the duo proxy with different ports?



    I would say no only one port required but you will need to test. 




  12. 3 minutes ago, John Francis1709163149 said:




    Thanks for the info. We installed VDA 2112 on a PC and the user was trying to get connected to that PC through Citrix Workspace and he is getting this.  The user logs in and then disconnects, logs in and it automatically disconnects. So, I am not sure what is going on. We have not had any issues when I installed Remote PC on other computers. Also, why would Remote PC use a license since during day time we are connected from the laptop/desktop at office, at this time it should not use the license right? Only if we connect remotely from our home PC or laptop to the REMOTE PC it should take up a license, but when you are physically logged in why would it take the license?


    Can you send me the registry key settings?


    I found this and we tried adding this


    RpcaMode (dword):

    1 = The remote user will always win if he does not respond to the messaging UI in the specified timeout period.

    2 = The local user will always win. If this setting is not specified, the remote user will always win by default.








    I would suggest you to try with on older VDA on the RemotePC, you can just test with 1 one them, just to ensure issue is not a Bug with this release.

    You can find details on Reg Keys here: https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/install-configure/remote-pc-access.html






  13. 5 minutes ago, John Francis1709163149 said:

    We have 25 licenses for now in a test environment. A user is connecting to Remote PC (VDA 2112) and is getting kicked out and looking at the Director Monitor it says session limit reached. 


    1. How is the licensing for these? Does Remote PC take one full license? 

    2. We have only 7 users with Remote PC and couple of more users accessing the VDI but we still have enough licenses


    Why would it do this behavior? Also, just from last night I started getting 


    "Connection Interrupted - Citrix Receiver will try to reconnect for 5 minutes


    This never used to happen to me at all even though I am using wireless. 


    Any ideas guys. I saw some registry settings and hopefully we could apply that and get it resolved using this. Any other thoughts or Policy that can be applied. The are regular desktops with VDA installed.



    RpcaMode (dword):


    1 = The remote user will always win if he does not respond to the messaging UI in the specified timeout period.

    2 = The local user will always win. If this setting is not specified, the remote user will always win by default.




    Hi John,


    Remote PC sessions consume licenses in the same way as other Citrix sessions.

    Do you have only 1 user access for each Remote PC VDA?

    If not, when a user try  to connect, can you check if you already have a user connected to this Remote PC.

    Also, by default, a remote user's session is automatically disconnected when a local user initiates a session on the computer, you can change this with a reg key.


    For the connection interruption it's usually due to network interruption.

    Do you have monitoring in place on your network to check that?




  14. 8 minutes ago, John Francis1709163149 said:

    My questions are:


    1. Do we have to sysprep a MCS persistent desktop image?

    2. I have MS Defender installed on the image, should I do something that it displays properly on the Defender console and it is gettings its updates or scanning properly?

    3. Anything else that can be thought of?


    Hi John,


    To reply to your questions:


    1. No, Citrix MCS will take care of it.

    2. You should be able to see the VDA in Defender console when they will be deployed.

    3. Depend of the applications to be installed ?




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  15. 10 minutes ago, Patrick Loftheim said:


    I have tried creating another admin account just for this purpose, same error... 

    It gets stuck on connecting when i try to open the session from workspace.


    I have tried re-creating several master-images without any improvement.

    Yes everything did work before we changed the name of resource-group and network in Azure..

    I am having a hard time seeing why these things should be affected in this way by that change.









    I would suggest you to use PoSH SDK to connect to Citrix Cloud and retrieve details from there.

    You will have more details on your configuration, hosting, machine catalog and delivery group.





  16. 3 hours ago, Patrick Loftheim said:


    Hi Arnaud


    I have only 1 host connection now.

    If i create the object manually in AD and then use existing computer account i get further but then i run in to another issue, the citrix session gets stuck on connecting..

    things looks good from verification as far as i can see. (tried both the machine catalog and delivery group)







    If you can create computer account locally and then use it with MCS, I would suggest you to review your connection settings (I mean the  user account used to create AD computer).

    When you said the Citrix session get stuck on connecting, it's after publishing a Desktop on the Delivery Group?

    Did you ever create a machine catalog with same image, publish and access desktop/apps from this image?




  17. 4 hours ago, Patrick Loftheim said:

    Hi after a rename / restructure of Azure resource groups, we can no longer create machine catalogs.

    First we had issues with an old network name, to fix this we had to re-add the host connection, now we are at least getting further, but stuck on this error(see attachment)


    The account used is a local AD domain admin account which we have not touched or done any changes to.


    Any suggestions?



    DesktopStudio_ErrorId : UnknownError
    ErrorCategory : NotSpecified
    DesktopStudio_PowerShellHistory : Create Machine Catalog '#####'
    3/11/2022 7:51:36 AM

    Error Source : CitrixOrchestration






    Hi Patrick,


    Do you still have 2 hosting connection defined?

    Did you test resource to validate everything looks good?

    Did you try to create computer account in AD using same account and then select use existing computer account?




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