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Eirik Vesterhus 2

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  1. This is in regard to URLs needed to update the IP Reputation database. The documentation mentions these URLs: localdb-ip-daily.brightcloud.com localdb-ip-rtu.brightcloud.com api.bcti.brightcloud.com This is an incomplete list. The ones I mentioned in the post is also necessary.
  2. IP Reputation | NetScaler 14.1 These URLs are missing from the documentation: localdb-ipv6-daily.brightcloud.com ipce-daily.brightcloud.com ipce-rtu.brightcloud.com
  3. Thanks. What will be the result of the failures? Connection drops? VPX crash? :)
  4. I have successfully followed the documentation in order to download and convert the updated version of the MaxMind GeoLite2 DB to Netscaler format. I added it on a test VPX using the "add locationFile"-command and all is well. Now - I just want to be sure before I move on to the production instances. Is it safe to do so on a VPX with production traffic? These instances will have multiple global responder policies utilizing the existing geo db. Add a location file to create a static proximity database (netscaler.com)
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