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Consultoria Quales

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Everything posted by Consultoria Quales

  1. The hop between client and netscaler should be more 1 ms one clinet is behind a VPN. I have tried ping and responde is more that 1 ms. Other point in thtat picture: App responde: 819 ms and server responde time: 623 ms, what would be other (8190 ms - 623 ms) = 196 ms?
  2. Hello I have checked on Citrix ADM (cloud) that RTT Values for Client and server are always lees 1 ms for all transations logs. Web trasactions has been enabled on Analytics. I believe that informations is not accurate. Are there anything else i need to check or enable? https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/citrix-application-delivery-management-service/application-analytics-and-management/dashboard/web-transaction-analytics.html
  3. Hi Hemang Thanks for reply. I configured other HTTP-ECV monitor, now I got "failure - pattern not found in response". Below how i set up the monitor. add lb monitor test_login_http-ecv HTTP-ECV -send "GET /certsrv HTTP/1.1rnAuthorization: Basic YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpQQHNzdzByZA==rnHost:" -recv Welcome -LRTM ENABLED HTML body:
  4. Hi Helge I`ve enabled Basic Authentication and now curl is working without ntlm. But the monitor still doesnt work. I got same msg.
  5. Hi I have tried to custom netscaler monitor for Microsoft CA by followiong this CTX: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX117142/how-to-configure-a-netscaler-monitor-to-authenticate-with-a-user-name-and-password Curl command works using this comand: curl -u "administrator:password" --ntlm I am using TCP-ECV like this: GET /certsrv HTTP/1.1rnAuthorization: Basic YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpQQHNzdzByZA==rnHost:
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