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Mike Smithson 2

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  1. Has anyone tried to update the EPA libraries using an ADM config job? We want to be able to schedule this task/process using ADM. I have created a test configuration job for the Windows Libraries it copies the win_epa.tgz library file, then extracts it (tar cmd) and copies the file epaPackage.exe and another supporting .js file to the correct directory on the NS. However, there seems to be one task left that the NetScaler does when you upload the libraries via the NetScaler GUI. That is to update the pluginlist.xml file with the correct version of the libraries that have been uploaded /netscaler/ns_gui/vpn/pluginlist.xml Does anyone know what post upload script/job runs on the NetScaler when you upload the EPA libraries? There must be a script/task that runs to extract the .tgz file, copy the extracted files to the correct directories and update the pluginlist.xml file with the correct version of the libraries and OpsWat. I don't know why this configuration/update job isn't already available in ADM, it would make life so much easier :-(
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