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Christian Francke

Legacy Group
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Posts posted by Christian Francke

  1. Dear NG,


    I am working in a CVAD 1903 environment, where we deploy PVS based Windows 10 VDIs to our users.

    The mandatory client is Workspace App for HTML5.
    We deploy our solution to multiple countries with varying languages.




    We want to provide the country specific keyboard layout to our customers but understand that there are some limitations with the HTML5 client.  I found the link below but I have problems understanding what the statements mean. Please have a look at the screenshots for my questions.




    Practical tests:


    Besides my questions in the attached screenshots we did some practical tests. The result was somewhat weird.


    When we log on from a country specific Windows client (not English, system language and keyboard layout) we end up seeing ENG as the keyboard. Now when we left-click on the task bar we get the correct keyboard. Also when we start an app we get the correct country specific keyboard.


    I am kind of confused now. My expectation was that the user must set the keyboard manually to the preferred language after logon since HTML5 does not support full keyboard mapping like the native Workspace App.


    Who can shed some light on this?


    Kind regards





    2020-03-06 11_35_51-Window.png

    2020-03-06 11_36_47-Window.png

  2. Hi NG,


    I'm trying to retrieve the associated users and groups from a desktop group which I can see in Studio --> assignments in "Users"


    get-brokerdesktopgroup won't do.


    I found the Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule cmdlet. When I list the includedusers I get empty braces:


    PS Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule | select includedusers




    When I run the same cmdlet with -expandproperty I get nothing:


    PS Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule | select -ExpandProperty IncludedUsers


    Any idea how I can get the list of users/groups from a desktop group via PowerShell?













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