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Bastian Frohnhoefer

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Posts posted by Bastian Frohnhoefer

  1. On 9/11/2023 at 9:26 AM, Maik Ludwig said:

    I have now also installed and set up FSLogix.

    But still after each Citrix login the teams password is requested.

    We also have notebooks in use, the credentials are stored there. Therefore I don't understand why this doesn't work in Citrix. Not even with containers.


    In addition, I now get a black screen for about 30 seconds before the desktop is displayed.

    I dont know anything about your black screen but we had the teams issue with one user and where able to fix this.

    Basically you have two options, assuming your users are using 2FA.


    1: You can enable the RoamIdentity option which only requires the user to log in the first time https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fslogix/reference-configuration-settings?tabs=profiles#roamidentity


    2: You need to enable Azure AD Connect and Single Sign On (which you probably already have) and also configure Trusted Locations with an Azure AD P1 licence. The last one is crucial because SSO doesn't work with 2FA, so you need to disable it with a Conditional Access Policy for your company IP.

    Hope this helps.




  2. So since about a week our Users are getting Disconnected from their Desktop Session while opening the following webpages in Chrome:




    We fixed it by redirecting this Webpages to the legacy browser but we are still curious what causes this as there could be other webpages with this issue.

    The disconnected User is not able to reconnect, if he does he will get disconnected immediately even if we closed the Chrome process before.

    If we logoff the user everything works normal again until he tries to open the webpage.

    I cant find any error messages in the Log or the Director, it just shows "disconnected"


    We using 1912 LTSR and the Disconnects happens on Windows and ThinClients from Dell (Wyse)


    If possible can somebody verify the issue on their end?




  3. Hi everybody, we having an issue with the Photoshop Brush.

    We are using VDA 1808.2 with enabled HDX3D pro on two systems:


    -Remote Desktop to PCs with Nvidia GTX660

    -WIN10 VMs with Nvidia Tesla M60


    On the Remote Desktops we are using Photoshop CS5 and if we try to brighten parts of the picture with a big brush (614px as example)

    The brush will begin to "jump" over the picture, so its not smooth anymore. If we use a smaller brush it seems ok.


    If we do the same directly on the PC the brush is working fine.


    On the Win10 VMs (XenServer 7.6) we are using Photoshop CC and trying to do the same. Here the cursor is not jumping but the refresh rate seems not fast enough.

    So if we move the cursor over the picture the cursor will shown correctly, but the area which should be brighten changes seconds after the cursor was at this area.

    So the area don't change live with the cursor in place but with a delay.


    We tried this with "High" HDX 3DPro setting and also "lossless"


    We are also using Autodesk 3DSMax on both machines without any issue so it should be possible to use a big brush, shouldn´t it?


    Any hints would be appreciated.




  4. We have the same issue with two of our Macbook Pros.

    Workspace App seems to freeze every now and then.

    We have a Citrix case opened but so far there is no solution.


    The information with Speaker device is new to me not sure if we have the same log message.


    At the Macbooks there is no crash file, only a hang file but it seems the support cant get any helpful information from it so far.

  5. Hi, you have asked this questions twice, maybe you can remove one.


    If I get this right you try to setup a machine with Software and stuff while connecting through Citrix?

    If so you normally should setup the machine with all Software and Stuff and install the VDA as the last step.

    As example if you are using PVS you first create the Image with everything and then install the VDA and if you create a new Version for the Image you normally connect through the host or by RDP while editing.


    If I got this wrong please describe your problem with more details.



  6. Hi everybody,


    we are Using Xen Desktop 7.17 with Win10 1709 on Xen Server 7.3 and a Tesla M60.

    On this Win10 Desktops we running the Adobe Creative Cloud which is working fine so far.

    But there are shortcuts in InDesign which only work if you connect from a Windows or Thin Client.

    If you connect from a Mac this shortcuts wont work as aspected.


    As example there is the "space-key", which should normally open the "hand-tool". So while pressing "space" and click into the document you should be able to move it around.

    This works fine form a Windows Client and also Wyse ThinOS but not on a Mac device (tested with MacbookPro and Mac Mini with latest OS)

    We even connected a normal Windows Keyboard to the Mac but it wont work.


    When you press the "space-key" while connected through a mac the "hand-tool" cursor appears, but if you click left it switch back to the normal cursor instead closing the "hand" to be able to drag the document.


    I tried several setting in the Receiver for MAC like "use local instead remote keyboard" and "send special keys without modification" but this wont change anything.

    Also in very rare cases, probably one time a week, this works as suspected.

    There is no problem by choosing the hand tool on the sidebar and drag the document, so it looks like the keyboard button doesn't get send to Citrix while the mouse is clicked.

    I proofed this while in a text file (on the Win10 Desktop). I can press space (or any other button) but if i push the mouse button the keyboard doesn't submit any input to Citrix.


    This seems to be a normal behavior of a Mac as i can reproduce the same in the Notes App of the MAC, but with InDesign for Mac you can use this shortcuts without any problem.


    Any ideas or workarounds?





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