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Andreas Schott

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Posts posted by Andreas Schott

  1. On 12/16/2021 at 11:10 AM, Boby John1709155536 said:

    This is expected to be fixed with v2112


    Playing back audio in a session might deteriorate network performance factors such as round-trip time and session reliability. [CVADHELP-18723]



    Hi Boby,

    thanks for your feedback! 
    Sadly it does not fix the issue. We have an open Citrix ticket, but i'm not sure, if they can help us.




  2. 31 minutes ago, Erwin de Beer1709152891 said:


    Just asked support again and this is their response...

    Yes, the RP contains the mitigation steps, these are released yesterday after testing by our product team and the docs are in the process of being updated.
    The tentative date is by tomorrow, but you could consider the mail from our end as a confirmation for the same
    Please let me know if you have any further queries on this.
    <name redacted>
    Senior Technical Support Engineer
    Citrix Endpoint Management & Content Collaboration Support
    Citrix R & D India Private Limited




    I asked support again and it was confirmed to me that RP contains mitigation steps. It's a security RP.

  3. Hi,


    we are having audio microphone issues starting with 2106. After some seconds or minutes the audio upload (microphone) is very choppy, but the sound output is always ok.

    Does anyone experience some audio issues and using an sip client on an published desktop? We nearly changed all settings backwards and forwards to get it working again.


    We think, there are some breaking changes in the version 2106. We find nothing about it in the release notes to this version.


    Does anyone have some ideas?






    We found some error logs on the client system:

    2021-12-08 15:41:38.554 [VDCAM:ERROR] <P6093:T6093:U65534:G65534> citrix-wfica.bin: [wfica.bin]: Entering iDeviceid:1 

    2021-12-08 15:41:38.572 [VDCAM:ERROR] <P6093:T6093:U65534:G65534> citrix-wfica.bin: [wfica.bin]: Could not get period size, error: 'Invalid argument' 

    2021-12-08 15:41:38.622 [VDCAM:ERROR] <P6093:T6121:U65534:G65534> citrix-wfica.bin: [wfica: VC 3]: unknown format tag 2 

    2021-12-08 15:41:38.622 [VDCAM:ERROR] <P6093:T6121:U65534:G65534> citrix-wfica.bin: [wfica: VC 3]: unknown format tag 4 

    2021-12-08 15:42:18.510 [VDCAM:ERROR] <P6093:T6121:U65534:G65534> citrix-wfica.bin: [wfica: VC 3]: No space available in device:: 0 
    2021-12-08 15:42:18.510 [VDCAM:ERROR] <P6093:T6121:U65534:G65534> citrix-wfica.bin: [wfica: VC 3]: The count:: 1 

  4. On 6.8.2019 at 0:06 PM, Lee Laborczfalvi said:

    HI Andreas thank you for reporting this issue. We have managed to reproduce this and will work on a fix.

    we are getting more and more calls from users complaining about that issue.

    Can you please give us an update about this? Do you have an internal case number, so we can open an ticket and have a trace about this issue?


    Best regards,



  5. Hi,


    we opened a ticket with this problem.

    Citrix replied and said, that the actions with the weak role with only read rights on delivery groups are not logged. I think this is a problem, because he can shadow a user and we need to log this action.

    As a workaround Citrix mentioned to give the manage right "Perform session management of machines on the Delivery group membership", but the user can no logoff other sessions. We choosed a weak right, for example "Edit application tags". The user can't change it via Director and the logging is working now. 


    It is only a workaround, but i think Citrix should log the shadowing right when the user has only read rights on delivery groups.


    Best regards,


    • Like 1
  6. Hi,

    we have created different roles, what a helpdesk member can do. One role can only shadow a user, the other can also terminate processes etc... (see screenshots - sorry only german language)

    When a user with the weak role shadows a session, the action is not logged to [ConfigLoggingSchema].[HighLevelOperationStart] and can't see in the Citrix Studio log. If we give this users more rights the shadowing is logged!


    This is a huge problem for our high level control.


    Does anyone experience such a problem?


    Logging of shadowing with this custom role is working:


    Logging of shadowing with this custom role is not working:




    Best regards,

  7. Hi,

    we are currently on Secure Mail 19.8.0 and now there are no phone number visible from company address book only the email address is presented.

    At the bottom it says "the complete contact information could not be loaded"  (we are on german language, i don't know how the message looks in english)


    When we create a new contact with the download symbol the phone number and other information about the contact is then shown.


    We think the problem is first shown in build

    Can anyone prove that or has some information about this issue?




    Best regards,



  8. On 25.7.2018 at 4:39 PM, Brett Dodd said:

    We continue to leave our configuration alone with the fear of this issue coming back.


    1. Currently running 7.15 CU1.
    2. Installed private hotfix from Citrix that updated mfaphook.dll, mfaphook64.dll, and ctxuvi.sys.
    3. Run 'bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON' on all servers.

    We built a new test server a couple of months ago and did not run steps 2 and 3 on it and eventually we ran into CtxUvi crashing again.  Citrix has abandoned my case because the issue went away, but we don't feel comfortable upgrading either. 


    At least we're on an LTSR release haha




    can you please name the private fix so we can reference it within an Citrix case?





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