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Jeff Van Note

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  1. Is there a way in the Monitor Service OData API to get the code/description values for a specific Enum, such as PowerStateCode?
  2. Since I've posted this, I realized that setting the limit to 1000 lessened the extent of the problem, but we still get duplicates.
  3. I noticed I am getting duplicate applications if I don't set a limit of 1000 for this call and missing some other applications visible in DaaS. By duplicate I mean the same name and same ID. The total rows returned is correct. ​ For example, calling: https://api-us.cloud.com/cvad/manage/Applications , then calling: https://api-us.cloud.com/cvad/manage/Applications?continuationToken={my_continuation_token} ,until the continuation token is null will give duplicate values. ​ If I specify ​a limit of 1000, I don't get any duplicates and can see the missing ones. I've seen this happen with Azure Data Factory and with a Python script created for troubleshooting. We have about 2,400 applications in total. If I use a limit of 250 or specify no limit, I get some duplicates/some missing, but the correct row count. The general approach we take is make the initial call to the API, check for a continuation token, and then loop, calling with the token returned by each result set until it is null. ​ Is there an issue with my approach that somehow specifying 1000 resolves? ​
  4. Thanks. I found out this week that /Applications does not return the information, but if you pass a specific name or ID, it will return the associated users.
  5. This corresponds to the Visibility section of Application Details in DaaS. The equivalent PowerShell call is Get-BrokerApplication with AssociatedUserNames in the select.
  6. The API call is of the format "https://api-us.cloud.com/monitorodata/Machines" ​ If we run an OData query for machines (or another table), the continuation link returns: https://<customer>.xendesktop.net/citrix/monitor/odata/v4/data/Machines?$skip=100 ​ Per the documentation document we expect: https://api-us.cloud.com/monitorodata/Machines?$skip=100 ​ Our developer is working on a string substitution as a workaround, but perhaps we are missing something.
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