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Chirag Katbamna

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Posts posted by Chirag Katbamna

  1. Hello all, 


    I have a small cluster where I have activities taking place from Cloudstack. As such, sometimes I am unable to determine which task is associated with which activity.

    Most common issue is when I have to do Volume Migrate. If I have more than one running, it is only guess work as to which one is which. 

    If I started two volume migrate (example from one NFS to another NFS), only way I have to identify which task is which is by manually looking for the start times, and then guess as to what is what. 


    xe task-list gives very high level info, but I cannot determine what resource is the task acting upon. I am sure there is some nifty command somewhere which I have yet to discover... 


    Any help is apprecaited! 


    I  looked through the docs already, and specific to xe task-list, there is only parameters, but no way to get more details than the 4 lines I see (an example below). 



    Example - output - here is all I see - I would like to know which VDI (or VHD) is it associated with?

    # xe   task-list
    uuid ( RO)                : 001dc5db-326f-4ee3-1245-a537a18850c9
              name-label ( RO): Async.VDI.copy
        name-description ( RO):
                  status ( RO): pending
                progress ( RO): 0.760


  2. I wanted to count snapshots of volumes/vhd files as I do not do VM snapshots from console. 

     I ended up doing simple word count (wc -l) which counts line feeds but still works for my needs 


    For example 

     /usr/bin/vhd-util scan -f -a -p -c -m d2ff04e8-16b9-434a-b89e-c0e9b3efd830.vhd |wc -l


    where 2 is the output and count of snapshot chain (base parent plus current changes)


  3. Hello all,


    I had run into the issue “Snapshot chain is too long” some time back and took a lot of work to get out of it (see my other thread on that). However it happened again!! I got out of the issue easier this time by migrating the vhd to another SR.


    however, I would like to have active monitoring on this - but besides running cli command like below, I do not know how else I can get a count of snapshots in the chain of a vhd. These snapshots are hidden so not visible via GUI console.


    usr/bin/vhd-util scan -f -a -p -c -m d2ff04e8-16b9-434a-b89e-c0e9b3efd830.vhd


    A command like the above lists out the vhd and any chain snapshots.

    has anyone setup any script or API call to count the chain length? I would like yo do this automatically daily and setup an alert email if the chain gets over 5 snapshots for example.


  4. Hello all,


    I have a 1TB logical size VHD file where only about 600GB is used, and due to an issue of snapshot chain length I had to do an export/import, after which the VHD file size has become 1 TB.  it was setup as thin to start with but now its 100% size.  (full issue listed  https://discussions.citrix.com/topic/405965-snapshot-chain-too-long-how-to-get-rid-of-hidden-snapshots-without-exportimport/)  


    Since then the VHD was cleaned up further, and only 300 GB is used.  So I have 1TB physical space used to store 300GB data.. (its a thick-provision 


    My goal is to shrink down the physical VHD file back to 300GB. 


    How can I do this? Export process produces same size file (1TB). 


    All my SR are based on NFS. 


  5. I finally completed this maintenance, so thought I would post it here for completion... I had a slightly unique situation as we have Cloudstack on top of XenServer, and so I had to make sure that Cloudstack continues to work normally. Additionally due to Cloudstack, if I shutdown a VM from Cloudstack portal, it would unregister the VM from XenServer so it does not show up at all in XenCenter - which means I cannot do a full VM Clone as XenServer no longer knows that GUID. 


    So I had to improvise a few things, and made do... 


    Steps taken- 

    1. Shutdown Cloudstack Management server -- I had no way around it as it syncs back to Xen.

    2. From XenCenter, shutdown VM1. This allows the VM1 to stay visible in XenCenter after shutdown.

    3. Full clone VM1 to VM2 --- This process took nearly 6-7 hours (1 TB size, but apparently, VM Clone does not work at Network/Disk speed - same as Export)

    4. Start Cloudstack Management Server. In a few minutes I got an email showing that the Server Status had sync'd - I was scared it may try to start it up due to HA, but since the clone was in process it did not start I assume. I wish I had a better way to handle this. 

    5. Copy VM2 disk to VM1 storage location (simple cp command - this took under 15 mins as it was full network speed + hdd speed)

    6. archive all VM1 existing disks (mv command  -- including the entire snapshot chain (30 vhd files) to another folder

    7. rename VM2 vhd to the VM1 vhd file name. Verified that the chain is now 0 length.

    8. Start server from Cloudstack. 

    9. Delete the cloned VM2 and VM2 disk from other storage (remember I did a copy across storage pool of this disk but did not touch the cloned disk or VM2 otherwise)


    After this was all done, I initiated a Snapshot from Cloudstack (scheduled) and it took over 6-7 hours just like the Clone process. 


    At this time, all is back to normal - except below.


    ONE THOUGHT/QUESTION - the Clone process made the cloned VHD 100% size of allocated space and not used space (out of 1TB, only 600 GB was used, but the cloned vhd file is 1 TB in size).

    Is there a way to shrink it?


  6. Just now, Alan Lantz said:

    Thats what I would try. Not sure how fast that type of full copy is going to take. Just be

    very careful !





    Let me take a moment  here- I just want to say Thanks to both of you - Alan and Tobias - and others who have contributed to this thread.  Both of your support to this forum is legendary! 


    Back to the issue - I will be going across storage pool (space issue on current storage) but the network is 10Gb, so I hope this will be done within 3-4 hours (hoping!!) I will be making a full copy of the actual vhd disks before attempting anything so that will likely add a few more hours... 


    I will post more info and update once I actually get to doing this over the weekend.


  7. Would it be safer to do clone in that case (the second option Tobias suggested)? 

    So something like

    • shutdown VM1 
    • Full clone VM1 to VM2
    • detach disk from both VMs
    • delete VM1 disks
    • attached new VM2 disk from VM2 into VM1
    • delete VM2 ?

    Secondly - can I simply rename the VHD file before attaching to VM1? The reason is that the VMs were created via Cloudstack, and so the VHD file names are stored in the Cloudstack database. I do not want to manually change those (although I have done that once before and it worked fine)





  8. I followed the steps from CTX133470 


    The only error I see in SMLog are related to Snapshot chain too long.

    Dec  3 06:02:32 nexusvm7 SM: [32469] ***** generic exception: vdi_snapshot: EXCEPTION <class 'SR.SROSError'>, The snapshot chain is too long
    Dec  3 06:02:32 nexusvm7 SM: [32469]     raise xs_errors.XenError('SnapshotChainTooLong')
    Dec  3 06:02:32 nexusvm7 SM: [32469] ***** NFS VHD: EXCEPTION <class 'SR.SROSError'>, The snapshot chain is too long
    Dec  3 06:02:32 nexusvm7 SM: [32469]     raise xs_errors.XenError('SnapshotChainTooLong')

    I ran the 

    vhd-util repair -n /path/to/VHD. 

    It did not change anything. 


    I then ran 

    vhd-util coalesce -n /dev/VG-storage-uuid/VHD-uuid_of_vdi

    That process took over 4 hours. It has now inflated the size of my base file to become 1.5 TB (while the size of the base vhd earlier was 850 GB.  However, there are still 30 snapshots present and the chain is still present. This is bad because the Virtual size is only 1 TB, but actual disk size if 1.5 TB + a lot of other  snapshots - sum of which is now over 2 TB. 



    I kicked off SR-SCAN. I dont know how to check progress on that.  But if I start a new SR-SCAN then it exits by logging that another GC is in progress. I am hoping that the GC process will delete the snapshots but its been running for over 3 hours now and nothing has happened yet. 


    So what do I do now? Is it safe to delete the snapshots in the chain by using xe vdi-destroy uuid=uuid_of_snapshot


    Will it break anything if I delete the snapshot from middle of the chain? 



  9. 1 hour ago, Tobias Kreidl said:

    There should still be a coalesce-leaf option, though I believe it was removed possibly in later XS releases ... see if this article helps: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX201296

    If the SR is too full, it won't work regardless, which means either moving some storage elsewhere, or moving the storage associated with that VM to anothe rSR, and if need be, back again. That should only preserve the most recent copy plus I think a maximum of around three snapshots, if present.

    I went through the article earlier. Somehow I don’t have access to the link in Problem 3 section for CTX133470.


    are the contents of that link something you can copy paste here? 

  10. Hello, 

    I have been reading through a lot of posts related to "snapshot chain too long" issue. I have determined that the chain has grown to 30 and that is the root cause. All of these snapshots are hidden=1.  We did not realize that the snapshots have been failing since over 2 months ago (yeah, I know - thats a big discussion as well). Cloudstack is setup to do daily snapshots and full backup every 5 days. It seems to be working for all other VMs except this one - this VM has  1 TB disk attached which is the only difference compared to other VMs (whose disks are at most 250 GB). 


    I am unable to go the export import route to resolve this because we have cloudstack running on top of it and I am afraid the metadata change may break it. (Or of there is a way to export import without breaking the vhd filename/metadata - please let me know). This is in production so I want to be sure before I make changes -- From what I understand, import/export will make changes to the vhd and may not work as expected afterwards in Cloudstack.


    However, besides export, import, is there any way to delete the hidden=1 snapshots? I read that I can do a coalesce. However the issue here is that we have used one template with multiple VM created by cloudstack. I am afraid to do the incorrect (leaf-coalesce) and break other VMs. Cleanup.py seems to do a leaf-coalesce so I have not run it. I have not been able to locate a  script to run the normal non-leaf coalesce. Perhaps thats what I need. 


    Below is output from my vhd-util. As you can see only the last entry has hidden=0.

    Please advise on how to correct this. 


     /usr/bin/vhd-util scan -f -a -p -c -m d2ff04e8-16b9-434a-b89e-c0e9b3efd830.vhd
    vhd=7e3e5ad7-b172-4561-b7fe-a1aab2859029.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=846981562880 hidden=1 parent=none
       vhd=9e61813d-5464-4726-a2b7-c624a6f7fea1.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=105802052096 hidden=1 parent=7e3e5ad7-b172-4561-b7fe-a1aab2859029.vhd
          vhd=0c3a9f51-43ad-4ae2-a920-02b1b4629cd7.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=11424498176 hidden=1 parent=9e61813d-5464-4726-a2b7-c624a6f7fea1.vhd
             vhd=8aadff7d-6a3f-454a-833c-54712ea9da48.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10745795072 hidden=1 parent=0c3a9f51-43ad-4ae2-a920-02b1b4629cd7.vhd
                vhd=9f49acb7-8a45-4843-aa13-9f642bf9beaa.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10357064192 hidden=1 parent=8aadff7d-6a3f-454a-833c-54712ea9da48.vhd
                   vhd=1b82cd32-5561-4455-923f-455398101345.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10056585728 hidden=1 parent=9f49acb7-8a45-4843-aa13-9f642bf9beaa.vhd
                      vhd=4c4ebc56-4346-4a88-ae0b-3357406916c9.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=11214373376 hidden=1 parent=1b82cd32-5561-4455-923f-455398101345.vhd
                         vhd=1e2ce19e-fc3d-4f65-b341-00aa2f8ccf91.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=11529560576 hidden=1 parent=4c4ebc56-4346-4a88-ae0b-3357406916c9.vhd
                            vhd=44efde05-15d9-46ce-848c-f64528a98665.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=13315621376 hidden=1 parent=1e2ce19e-fc3d-4f65-b341-00aa2f8ccf91.vhd
                               vhd=b8e33443-76ca-4904-a61e-7cf15d6d07a4.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10598707712 hidden=1 parent=44efde05-15d9-46ce-848c-f64528a98665.vhd
                                  vhd=cebe4cb5-a7b9-45bc-838a-f5be99f2ecf0.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=9871675904 hidden=1 parent=b8e33443-76ca-4904-a61e-7cf15d6d07a4.vhd
                                     vhd=ebd42538-4639-4ee0-a785-cc0b86a6a6c5.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10273014272 hidden=1 parent=cebe4cb5-a7b9-45bc-838a-f5be99f2ecf0.vhd
                                        vhd=1a642477-ccde-48ba-b75a-9fb9a3188019.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=13725364736 hidden=1 parent=ebd42538-4639-4ee0-a785-cc0b86a6a6c5.vhd
                                           vhd=78a3a972-f03c-4169-9370-e6de14670a4b.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=11134525952 hidden=1 parent=1a642477-ccde-48ba-b75a-9fb9a3188019.vhd
                                              vhd=69c5cd33-705f-4722-a403-ccb0df7ed69a.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=11161842176 hidden=1 parent=78a3a972-f03c-4169-9370-e6de14670a4b.vhd
                                                 vhd=675efca2-8754-49de-825d-3e9b9590bdd1.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=12311224832 hidden=1 parent=69c5cd33-705f-4722-a403-ccb0df7ed69a.vhd
                                                    vhd=e4fd405d-8573-4069-9dab-eed68efa8a50.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10518860288 hidden=1 parent=675efca2-8754-49de-825d-3e9b9590bdd1.vhd
                                                       vhd=0b8363a5-89e4-4195-9e73-9af4c72aadd1.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10296128000 hidden=1 parent=e4fd405d-8573-4069-9dab-eed68efa8a50.vhd
                                                          vhd=93543c0e-db35-4018-9260-def054ec6568.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10483139072 hidden=1 parent=0b8363a5-89e4-4195-9e73-9af4c72aadd1.vhd
                                                             vhd=25d28b9f-f021-45d9-8e8f-b1bb41e71768.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=14920974848 hidden=1 parent=93543c0e-db35-4018-9260-def054ec6568.vhd
                                                                vhd=879abd75-bb84-4bf3-8a48-6d82c458fbca.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=12309123584 hidden=1 parent=25d28b9f-f021-45d9-8e8f-b1bb41e71768.vhd
                                                                   vhd=e0a06835-9d51-4bc5-972d-aece90052d96.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=12983624192 hidden=1 parent=879abd75-bb84-4bf3-8a48-6d82c458fbca.vhd
                                                                      vhd=e60b034e-9a44-45df-9f93-209707251c51.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=14792798720 hidden=1 parent=e0a06835-9d51-4bc5-972d-aece90052d96.vhd
                                                                         vhd=f3838c28-7eaf-482e-90d2-4b967c2871ca.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=11695559168 hidden=1 parent=e60b034e-9a44-45df-9f93-209707251c51.vhd
                                                                            vhd=e415a776-0cd6-4723-a1c6-4d39677c6a14.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10022965760 hidden=1 parent=f3838c28-7eaf-482e-90d2-4b967c2871ca.vhd
                                                                               vhd=71b6ebb0-ad9b-4ebd-a711-2b2b16187d56.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=9848562176 hidden=1 parent=e415a776-0cd6-4723-a1c6-4d39677c6a14.vhd
                                                                                  vhd=3db65d5f-a641-41f1-a2d3-3b742a8153c8.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=13309317632 hidden=1 parent=71b6ebb0-ad9b-4ebd-a711-2b2b16187d56.vhd
                                                                                     vhd=92da8af8-551e-4c43-b75b-819f99ac5b15.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=11247993344 hidden=1 parent=3db65d5f-a641-41f1-a2d3-3b742a8153c8.vhd
                                                                                        vhd=01b636bf-405d-4bcf-a9a6-c616058c86d2.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=10680656384 hidden=1 parent=92da8af8-551e-4c43-b75b-819f99ac5b15.vhd
                                                                                           vhd=d2ff04e8-16b9-434a-b89e-c0e9b3efd830.vhd capacity=1073741824000 size=144895144960 hidden=0 parent=01b636bf-405d-4bcf-a9a6-c616058c86d2.vhd


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