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François BIAUCE

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Posts posted by François BIAUCE

  1. Hello Denis,

    In addition to Ashok's solution. You can check this :



    In addition to being a domain user, you must be a local administrator on the machines where you are upgrading product components.

    The site database and the site can be upgraded automatically or manually. For an automatic database upgrade, the Studio user’s permissions must include the ability to update the SQL Server database schema (for example, the db_securityadmin or db_owner database role). For details, see Databases.




    and this chart:  https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/2311/technical-overview/databases

    So yes, make sure the user you use to update the database is part of both groups.


    François BIAUCE


  2. Hello Mark,


    Can you tell me what are the fixes from Citrix you already applied ?


    Have you tried to disabled ShellBridge by putting its registry key to 0 ?


    In the Citrix docs CVAD 2308 Fixed issues they talk about disabling Shellbridge : https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/whats-new/fixed-issues#sessionconnection





    When the Shellbridge feature is enabled on the VDA, seamless application sessions from HTML5 and Android might show unexpected UI windows that can block user input. [CVADHELP-22984]




    François BIAUCE

  3. Hello Glenn,


    We had the same issue with VDA 2203 LTSR CU3 + W2019.


    We tested different situations with the ShellBridge key and the 3 Windows Access Manager keys ("DisableADALatopWAMOverride", "DisableAADWAM", "DisableMSAWAM") :


    Shellbridge 0
    3 keys WAM 1
    = KO , error 1001

     Shellbridge 1
    3 keys WAM 1

    = OK but we need to authenticate at each disconnection/reconnection and the user session does not close on the VDA when you close the application

    Shellbridge 1
    3 keys WAM 0

    =OK but the user session does not close on the VDA but the password is not requested again. Best solution at the moment for us.

    Shellbridge 0
    3 keys WAM 0

    =OK/KO We have the O365 licence failed activation


    The 3rd configuration seams the best for us. After disconnect/reconnect several times. We don't have the issue anymore.

    The problem about the user session not disconnected on the VDA is an other problem.




    François BIAUCE

  4. Hello,


    I wanted to deploy via GPO Active Directory the client on a Windows 11 client but it doesn't works. I see the client installed, when I try to launch it via the Windows menu, nothing appears.

    After I repair the program, it works again

    After that I tried to find a solution and on this documentation (https://docs.netscaler.com/en-us/citrix-gateway/current-release/vpn-user-config/select-gateway-plugin-for-users/deploy-gateway-plug-for-users-from-active-directory) it says that it is supported only on W7, W8 and W10.

    I also tried on a Windows 10 client and it works well by GPO,


    My only workaround is to install manually the Citrix secure access client on a W11.


    Do you know when it will be available on Windows 11 ?




    François BIAUCE

  5. Hello,


    We are using Citrix WEM + UPM and our Citrix users profiles are redirected to a file server.


    We found that if we delete the following files : "iconecache_xxx.db" located in "\\[FILE_SERVER]\[CitrixUser]\UPM_Profile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer" and then we connect trhought RDP and/or Citrix it works, the icons shown well in the desktop and in the file explorer. The "This PC" menu load well.


    So our solution was to exclude the files "iconecache_xxx.db"


    If it is still not working so you can try to exclude this folder : AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer





  6. Hello Matthias,


    Do you still have the problem ? I got the same issue on Win 2012R2 Citrix server, VDA agent 1912 CU4, WEM 2109.


    When we disconnect/reconnect the Citrix session, the maximized application is on fullscreen and we do not see the taskbar. After I windowed it and maximized it again, the app appears fullscreen again but at the same time the taskbar is on the foreground.


    Did someone gave you a solution ?


    I found a workaround : move the taskbar to the left, right or top then replace it to the bottom.



  7. Hello,


    I tried to connect to citrix.cloud.com after 3 weeks of inactivity and I received this message "To protect your account, you must reset your password."


    I can connect to citrix.com but not citrix.cloud.com. I already reset my password twice. I managed to connect once but the day after, i had the same problem.

    I tried to connect with differents browers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge) and with differents computers but still have the same problem.

    I cleared the cache and cookies of browsers still no change.


    Have any of you ever had this problem?






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