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Brett Dodd

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Posts posted by Brett Dodd

  1. Marc would you be able to confirm the settings you have in place to get Office licensing working consistently? I for instance have no issues with my Office licensing but we have some users that are prompted every time, and others that are prompted randomly.  But I have a feeling we need to make some changes, here's what we have configured now:


    1. We have confirmed that Shared Activation is working.
    2. We are saving the Office activations tokens in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing
    3. We are actively deleting the tokens so the use must activate each time.  When we saved the tokens they didn't see to auto-renew and this helped a lot but didn't solve the problem.

    From the screenshots in this thread I'm seeing the 'Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\FSLogix\Office 365 Containers\Include Office activation data in container' which we currently don't have enabled.  We have separate profile and Office containers for each user.  


    I'm guessing we should do the following:

    1. Remove deleting the licensing tokens.
    2. Enable the 'Include Office activation data in container' setting.

    If you could tell me how you have all of this configured it would be greatly appreciated.





  2. We opened a ticket with Citrix support and resolved the issues with the following registry keys that we put into a GPO:


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




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  3. 1 hour ago, Dennis Parker said:

    Have seen several issues with several versions of Excel in the past. 


    What we have currently and haven't been having any issues with recently:


    SeamlessFlags - DWORD - 0x104



    Enabled - DWORD - 0x1






    Unfortunately those did not fix the issue.  I did reboot the server after making the changes as well.  Appreciate the help, any other ideas are appreciated.

  4. We've had this problem ever since we went to XenApp 7.X but we're currently on 7.15.1.  Excel randomly blacks out the title bar, and the buttons are no longer visible when maximized.  If the program isn't maximized they appear just fine.  You can still click in the spots the buttons are and have them work.  I can reproduce the issue very easily by maximizing and restoring the size of the window a couple of times.  Breaking out of the seamless session (SHIFT-F2) restores the buttons.  We don't see this in other office programs, just Excel.


    Any help would be appreciated.


  5. We continue to leave our configuration alone with the fear of this issue coming back.


    1. Currently running 7.15 CU1.
    2. Installed private hotfix from Citrix that updated mfaphook.dll, mfaphook64.dll, and ctxuvi.sys.
    3. Run 'bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON' on all servers.

    We built a new test server a couple of months ago and did not run steps 2 and 3 on it and eventually we ran into CtxUvi crashing again.  Citrix has abandoned my case because the issue went away, but we don't feel comfortable upgrading either. 


    At least we're on an LTSR release haha

  6. mkameya600 our case number is 74709265.


    stekin474, interesting find, I would be surprised if we had low virtual memory in every case of this error.  We do set the initial and maximum size for virtual memory versus letting Windows set it on our VDAs.  But we've seen the CtxUvi errors on servers with a couple of people on them (2 or 3) and I would guess virtual memory wouldn't be an issue in that case.  I did just spot check a couple of servers and virtual memory is fine.  Glad it was a fix for you, probably multiple causes for these errors.

  7. We have continued to work with Citrix support on this issue.  Since first seeing the issue in 7.13 we've upgraded to 7.15 and then to 7.15.1 without resolution.  As we worked with Citrix support they had us install the CDF monitoring service on the servers in order to catch CDF traces as the issue happened.  We would reproduce the issue but they were still unable to determine the cause.  They later provided us a private hotfix with custom mfaphook.dll, mfaphook64.dll, and ctxuvi.sys files that we updated, along with running 'bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON'.  The whole point of this was to provide more information in the CDF traces so they could narrow down the problem.  But since installing this on all of our VDA's we no longer get 1005 errors. 


    So we are now kind of stuck because I feel that if we did upgrade the 1005 errors would come back.

  8. 37 minutes ago, aamin64 said:

    We are seeing the same exact issue with our newly deployed 7.15.  Servers will work fine after reboot but then hours later they fail again and applications do not launch to the users.


    Has any of you found a fix or a root cause?

    We've had a case open with Citrix for a few weeks and haven't really made any headway on it.  So we continue to reboot servers.  If we find a solution I'll be sure to post it here.


    I've not had a change to look at the GPOs yet, but those are kind of hard to disable because we need them.

  9. Hello Graeme,


    I appreciate you looking into this.  I've attached a screenshot of the binary data from event 1005.  Answers to your questions:


    1.  Rebooting the VDA fixes the issue until it reoccurs.

    2.  After a reboot we see CtxUvi event 1000 saying: "The Citrix Universal DLL Injection Driver has started."

    3.  I ran gpupdate /force

    4.  Running this command does not reproduce the events.

    Event 1005 Binary Data.PNG

  10. We are seeing the same events on our XenApp servers, when a server has these events it will start sessions but not display the program to the user.  We have to reboot in order to fix this.  Sometimes no servers, sometimes one, and sometimes several.  We are on XenApp 7.13 and plan on installing 7.15 in a couple of weeks.  We are seeing two events every time this happens, details are below, any help would be appreciated.  We've tried disabling Session Reliability and that didn't work.


    Log Name:      System

    Source:        CtxUvi

    Date:          10/5/2017 8:09:06 AM

    Event ID:      1005

    Task Category: None

    Level:         Error

    Keywords:      Classic

    User:          N/A

    Computer:      SERVERNAME


    The Citrix Universal DLL Injection Driver has encountered an unexpected error.


    Log Name:      System

    Source:        CtxUvi

    Date:          10/5/2017 8:09:06 AM

    Event ID:      1003

    Task Category: None

    Level:         Error

    Keywords:      Classic

    User:          N/A

    Computer:      SERVERNAME


    The Citrix Universal DLL Injection Driver has detected an integrity error during process creation. The Citrix Universal DLL Injection Driver has been disabled.
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