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happy cuber

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Everything posted by happy cuber

  1. # Create New MC function CreateMachineCatalog { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $customerid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $siteid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $bearerToken, # [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] # [string] $adminCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $body ) $requestUri = "https://api-eu.cloud.com/cvad/manage/MachineCatalogs" $headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/json"; "Content-Type"="application/json"; "Authorization" = "CWSAuth Bearer=$bearerToken"; "Citrix-CustomerId" = $customerid; "Citrix-InstanceId" = $siteid; # "X-AdminCredential" = "Basic $adminCredential"; } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestUri -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body $body return $response } $adminCredential = "" $body = @" { "MachineType": "Virtual", "Name": "MOBIZ-TEST-MC-001", "AllocationType": "Static", "IsRemotePC": false, "MinimumFunctionalLevel": "L7_9", "ProvisioningScheme": { "MasterImagePath": "image.folder/........", }, "PersistUserChanges": "Discard", "ProvisioningType": "MCS", "SessionSupport": "MultiSession" } "@ $response = CreateMachineCatalog $Customer_id $SiteID $BearerToken $body The response shows an error:Invoke-RestMethod : {"ErrorMessage":"The required parameter is not specified.rnParameter name: MachineType","SdkErrorId":"UnknownError","ErrorType":"ArgumentException","ErrorDetails".... But I have MachineType parameter there as you can see above. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Can anyone provide a Powershell example to create machine catalog with DaaS rest API?
  3. Folks, Did anyone here used this API call before? The call returns a structure which contains a list of all delivery groups within the tenant and there is a boolean variable to indicate if this DG is associated with the machine catalog. But in fact, there is no DG that variable is set to true. If I use MachineCatalogs_GetMachineCatalog API, it will return a DG list that associated with the machine catalog. I have tested on 2 different tenants, got the same results. Any idea? Thanks. https://developer.cloud.com/citrixworkspace/citrix-daas/citrix-daas-rest-apis/apis/MachineCatalogs-APIs/MachineCatalogs_GetMachineCatalogDeliveryGroupAssociations
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