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david brown1709155931

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Posts posted by david brown1709155931

  1. Hello

    Is it possible to monitor a citrix session end to end to help indicate where NW latency may be occuring. I know ADM can show WAN or server side delays but i was wondering if there is a way / Tool that can go a bit deeper and show firewalls / segment / hop delays from the client to the server / app, both internal and external ?

    Pity ADM can't do that (as far as i am aware).




  2. Good morning all

    I have a pool of 12 hosts running legacy 7.5. The task is to rebuild all of them to Hypervisor 8.2 CU1.  Is this possible by removing individual hosts from the pool and installing 8.2 cu1 then adding back to the pool, repeating the process for all hosts ?

    was wondering if there would be any unforeseen issues i might come across by doing this. or would it be best to create a new pool once the first host had been rebuilt ?. An additional concern is that the pool is using local storage on all the hosts and the disk size is 70 gb !

    any advice appreciated


  3. Hello All


    I am currently trialing XenServer 8 in public preview. Has anyone a rough idea when this will be released for production (GA)? 


    I have tried looking on the XS8 web site but cannot find any release date just statements about it will be released when ready...


    i am in the process of upgrading legacy and kind of makes sense to wait until its released instead of going the Hypervisor 8.2 CU1 route






  4. Mark

    Thanks for making things clearer. So if i have a lot of Citrix Hypervisors hosts running 7.5 and i want to bring them into support are my two options, a fresh instal of hypervisor 8.2 CU1 or a new build using XenServer 8?. the current Hypervisor hosts have enterprise licencing valid until 2030 according to XenCenter.  if that's valid wonder if there is a buy back solution for 8.2CU1 or XS 8 licensing ?







  5. Thanks Robert

    its still not clear, as far as i am aware 7.1 is newer like 7.5 (just like with XenApp versions where 7.1 was newer than 7.4 for example). think i need to have a look at the partition table to see how many partition there are. if its 4 then think a fresh install is required. needs to be 6 partitions. 






  6. Hello All


    What is the best way to upgrade from XS 7.5 to 8.2. can i use the rolling pool method or does each host have to be upgraded / re-installed from the iso ?


    i seem to be finding contradictions from its either possible to a need for a fresh install.


    would appreciate any thoughts, and potential Gotchas




  7. Hello


    I have a problem with W10 VDI & screen saver. The screen saver has been configured to load after 15 mins. this seems to work fine but the screen saver does not run. the screen displays the screen that was left open 15mins previous. obvious security issue. if there is any user input using mouse or keyboard the screensaver kicks in immediately.


    W10 22H2. vda 1912LTSR. pooled desktops


    i have added CTX205214 to the image. still the same


    any ideas appreciated






  8. Hello all

    i have another Question regards FSL profile and O365 containers. This time thoughts around migration.


    the plan is to use a big bang approach therefore there will be the need to create nearly 1000 vhdx's on the storage (NetApp). this will have obvious infrastructure consequences, not least on the NetApp. 


    what is the best way to mitigate this ?. Would pre-creating the vhd's make any difference by using the frx tool and if its viable can you use a txt file to pipe in the usernames ?


    any thoughts appreciated








  9. Hello 


    i am implementing FSL profile containers to replace UPM. there is already an existing implementation of O365 containers in production.


    Questions have been asked around adding all the UPM exceptions into the xml file, including all the defaults and a lot of custom ones. my concern is that this is not recommended but need some definitive guidance. 


    i have read that exceptions can cause performance and stability issues but i would like to know why this is the case. how does the xml file work under the hood. 


    thanks in anticipation







  10. Hello All

    i have Just built a new master image - VDA 1912LTSR CU4 (DDC's are 1912 CU2). optimised with BISF and CTXO . OS activated ok. However when i provision a few VDA's (MCS) they become un-activated after about 1 hour. A reboot fixes the issue but then reverts to requiring activation again after about 1 hr


    checked the vda and ddc logs and cannot see any obvious cause. 


    is there a PS cmd i can check activation on either CDA / DDC or even KMS servers ?


    Any advice much appreciated








  11. Hello All


    Is BISF still relevant for newer, current versions of W10 or Server 2019 / 2022

     i was keen on it because of the app optimisations, but it does not seem to have been updated for quite a while. is it still current / recommended. i used to run it then CTXO afterwards, then a bit of manual tuning. always seemed to be useful in improving the EUC.







  12. Hello All

    i currently have a shared desktop 1912ltsr environment publishing 2016 desktops. i want to look at W10 vdi in the same environment, site. currently the licensing strategy is CVADS Premium with User / Device licensing. is this strategy ok for licensing W10 VDI ?


    also what are the implications re Microsoft VDA licensing as i would be potentially moving away from RDS CALS.





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