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Salman Butt

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Everything posted by Salman Butt

  1. I am currently able to do the following: Redirect abc.happy.com to xyz.happy.com/abcdefg This works great but i need to now perfom a redirect and continue to show the URL as abc.happy.com rather than the new url. Hiding the info from the user. Currently utilizing Reposonder policies and it works great. I beleive i need to use the rewrite functionality but am unsucessfull in doing so. Any assistance will greatly be appreciated
  2. Thank you so much @Terry Hooper​ and @Helge Brust​ . That seems to have resolved my issue. Didnt know this feature existed, the appending to expression did seem redundant. For the community heres what it looks like on the CLI: 1. create pattern set # add policy patset <pattern_name> add policy patset pattern_svc 2. bind policy to pattern set # bind policy patset <pattern_name> <hostname> -index <index_value> -charset ASCII bind policy patset pattern_svc fedoramagazine.org -index 1 -charset ASCII 3. your content switching policy # add cs policy <cs_policy> -rule "HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.EQUALS_ANY("<pattern_name>")" -action <action_name> add cs policy cs_svc_pol -rule "HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.EQUALS_ANY("pattern_svc")" -action cs_svc_act 4. create a corresponding action # add cs action <action_name> -targetLBVserver <target_lb_vserver> add cs action cs_svc_act -targetLBVserver lb_svc_ssl ------------------------------------------------- Also, if you have a file with the hostnames, here a quick and dirty script to generate the command, so you can run it on the CLI: (Attached)
  3. I had create a Content Switching Virtual Service with a rule that only allows traffic to pass through if it matches a certain hostname. I can easily accomplish this by using HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME.EQ("google.com"). However this is not scalable and after adding a few FQDN to the list i get a "maximum limit error". Would anyone know what will be therecommended way will be to accomplish this, filter a VIP and only allow certain group of hostnames to pass through.
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