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Bert Kaeding

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Posts posted by Bert Kaeding

  1. Hi Arnaud,


    thank you for your reply.


    Just to clarify, i am talking about an intranet bookmark that uses content switching to a virtual server.

    I used this type of bookmark several times over the years for owa reverse proxy and single sign on.

    Please have a look at my screenshot.





    2022-05-25 14 24 18.png

  2. Hi all,


    netscaler 13.0 85.15 throws the following error when adding an intranet url:


    > add vpn url OWA OWA "/owa" -vServerName lb_vsrv_ex2016_owa_ugw -ssotype unifiedgateway -applicationtype VPN
    ERROR: Invalid URL


    Same via GUI.


    Any suggestions?


    Thanks in advance


  3. Hi everyone!


    i am getting the following error on a fresh 7.9 Installation after clicking on the "Add Applications" button in Citrix Studio:


    Error Id: XDDS:E6B9A789

        System.NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
           at Citrix.Console.DesktopGroups.UI.Pages.SelectGroupsPageViewModel.LoadPageData()
           at Citrix.Console.CommonControls.Wizard.PageBaseViewModel.LoadPageDataInternal()
           at Citrix.Console.CommonControls.Wizard.PageBaseViewModel.<.ctor>b__1()
           at Citrix.Console.CommonControls.ViewModelBase.<>c__DisplayClass4.<Invoke>b__0()
           at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
           at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)


    After i click on close everything goes on as normal. I can select a Group and the an application from the startmenu etc. and it works.


    Has anybody experienced this before?


    Thanks in advance


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