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Steffen Brendler

Legacy Group
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Posts posted by Steffen Brendler

  1. Hello ,


    we had the Problem too, please try "LODCTR.exe /R" (start in elevated CMD or PS Shell windows) 

    somtimes start it twice too. These will be rebuild the perf registry strings and info from scratch based on the current registry settings and backup INI files.




  2. Hello,

    we have the same problem as descriped here. Have you any idea ?  Our migrated Active Directory Accout has a existing property in the SIDhistory filed becaus of the AD intraforest Migration. Please let us know if any new information about this issue exist. 

    One note :  if i create a new DLGroup i can add my account only at the DL creation process, after that any other migrated account can't add to the new created DLGroup.


    Kind regards

    Steffen Brendler

  3. Hello All,


    our experience with thees problem as follows:


    - VDA - WS2012R2 full patched with XA76FP2 patched untit hotfix ICATS760WX64032 -  problem occours sporadically

    - updated VDA with FP3 - "session hung" Problem is gone


    but we must update on each FP3 VDA to UPM 5.4.1 because no "logon duration" and "Profile Infos" in Director  - user session details


    Kind Regards


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