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Uwe Meyer

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Posts posted by Uwe Meyer

  1. Hi,

    We have successfully installed Ubuntu Desktops with VDA version 2305. Everything is going fine so far.

    Now we have added a domain user to the sudo group with "usermod -aG sudo <domain\\username>".

    Now when I run a sudo command, it asks for a password. The user's domain password does not work. I think it asks the user without a domain. But there isn't one.

    How do you use the domain users with sudo ?




  2. Hi,

    we use a Terminalserverfarm with Windows Server 2019, CVAD 2203 LTS and FSLOGIX.


    Everything was going fine until we installed the latest version of FSLOGIX - the version 2210.

    After that, when you start Office or Teams, the Microsoft login appears. After the access data has been entered here, the products work perfectly. But after logging out and logging back in, the MS login mask appears again when you start Team or Office. This was not the case with the old FSLOGIX versions.

    After I then downgraded back to version 2.9.8228.50276, everything works fine again.

    We use FSLOGIX with the ProfileContainer.

    Does anyone happen to have the same problem? Or does someone know a solution?

    Thank you for your support.





  3. Hi,

    we have an working XenApp Farm. Now i would like to use the intelliCache function. I delete the local Storage and recreate them with an ext3 Filesystem and enable the host Caching.

    I follow this Articel: https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-hypervisor/storage/intellicache.html


    Now i create a new Ressource in Citrix Studio with IntelliCache enabled and shared Storage.


    Then the MachineCatalog was created with the following error:


    Inner Error:
    Storage does not support local storage caching
    ErrorID : PluginUtilities.Exceptions.OperationNotAvailableException
    TaskErrorInformation : PluginUtilities.Exceptions.OperationNotAvailableException: Storage does not support local storage caching ---> PluginUtilities.Exceptions.OperationNotAvailableException: Storage does not support local storage caching
       bei Citrix.PoolManagement.VMManager.VmmImplementation.XenEnterprise.XenMachineManager.CreateClone(String vmId, IDiskImage parentDisk, Int32 diskIndex, Boolean persistent, Boolean isFullClone, Boolean useLocalSrCaching, Boolean indexCanChange)
       bei Citrix.PoolManagement.VMManager.VmmImplementation.XenEnterprise.XenMachineManager.CreateVM(String name, IVMMetadata metadata, Int32 cpuCount, Int32 memory, String networkId, Boolean enableNetwork, Boolean tagVms, Boolean useLocalStorageCaching, IList`1 disks, String storageId, Boolean useSparseUpload, INetworkInterfaceDetails networkInterfaceDetails, IHypGpuType[] gpuGroup)
       bei Citrix.PoolManagement.VMManager.VmmImplementation.XenEnterprise.XenHypervisor.<>c__DisplayClass40_0.<BeginCreateCompleteVM>b__0(XenMachineManager manager)
       bei Citrix.HypervisorCommunicationsLibrary.TaskRunItem`2.Run(T manager)
       bei HypervisorsCommon.HCL.TaskRunner`1.RunNextTask()
       --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
    Server stack trace:
       bei HypervisorsCommon.HCL.TaskScheduler`1.CompleteTask(IAsyncResult result)
       bei HypervisorsCommon.HCL.TaskScheduler`1.CompleteTask[TTask](IAsyncResult result)
       bei Citrix.PoolManagement.VMManager.VmmImplementation.XenEnterprise.XenHypervisor.EndCreateCompleteVM(IHostingUnitDetails hostingUnit, IAsyncResult result)
       bei Citrix.HypervisorCommunicationsLibrary.AddInSideAdapter.IHypervisor_AddInViewToContractAdapter.EndCreateCompleteVM(IHostingUnitDetailsContract hostingUnit, IAsyncResult result)
       bei System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)
       bei System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)
    Exception rethrown at [0]:
       bei System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
       bei System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
       bei Citrix.HypervisorCommunicationsLibrary.Contracts.IHypervisorContract.EndCreateCompleteVM(IHostingUnitDetailsContract hostingUnit, IAsyncResult result)
       bei Citrix.HypervisorCommunicationsLibrary.HostSideAdapter.IHypervisor_ContractToHostViewAdapter.EndCreateCompleteVM(IHostingUnitDetails hostingUnit, IAsyncResult result)
       bei RemoteHCLClient.Hypervisor.LoggedHypervisor.EndCreateCompleteVM(IHostingUnitDetails hostingUnit, IAsyncResult result)
       bei Citrix.MachineCreation.NewProvVMSupport.NewProvVMLogic.CreateVmCallback(IAsyncResult result)

    Can someone help?


    Is there a good tutorial for this?


    Thanks for help.




  4. Thanks for the hint. That seems to have worked.


    I have set the verification of a client certificate as the 1st factor (via NFactor Flows. When calling up the website, it now takes about 10 seconds until the login mask appears. During this time it is checked whether a certificate is available or not. The seems relatively long to me.

    Do you have any other ideas?

  5. Hi.

    i have configured Client Authentication with a user certificate.

    I can login with the certificate and see my apps.

    After start an application, a new popup appears from wfica32 with an certificate. When i clicked this cert, the application start.

    How can i disable this second popup?


    Netscaler 13.1 with latest build

    Unified Gateway


    I have found the following Note: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX218917/avoid-client-certificate-prompt-smart-card-prompt-while-trying-to-launch-the-application-desktop-through-netscaler-gateway


    But i use the Unified Gateway with a content Switch VS. Is it possible in this setup?





  6. No.

    The Netscaler don't loadbalancing the DDC's. The Netscaler has 2 VLAN's . 

    1. VLAN: (10.1.1.x/24) (SNIP: (Static Routes (DDC)

    2. VLAN: (10.1.2.x/24)  (SNIP:  (Static Routes (VDA)


    So -  the VDA should access the DDC directly over the Netscaler ( (VDA) -> ->

    Then there is no FW between this and the VDA should register. But i think the VDA use the SNIP for registering.


    Or am I wrong?






  7. Hi,

    we have the following setup:


    1 ADC as VPX on VMWARE

    with 1 NIC (Access Management and VSERVERS)

    and 1 NIC (all VLAN's - on VMWARE tagged as 4095)


    In the Netscaler we have created 2 VLAN. In one VLAN is the DDC in the other is the VDA. All VLAN's has an own SNIP

    Now the VDA can't register to the DDC.

    If i enable USIP - the VDA is registering - but then i can't access from outside to the published Applications

    If i disable USIP the VDA can't regisert.


    I think, the VDA use the SNIP to access to the DDC when i disable USIP.

    Is there a way to enable USIP for only one VLAN (or ip range) - so that the VLAN with the VDA is used the Source IP?







  8. Hi,

    we have published a website on XenApp that is only accessible from our internal network. The users can reach this page via XenApp (PC and smartphone).

    However, the webiste is always displayed in normal "desktop mode" although it also has a mobile view. If you now connect to a smartphone, the user will see the desktop website.

    Is it possible that the website can be displayed in mobile view on mobile devices (responsive design)





  9. Hi,

    i have configured the nFactor Feature with Netscaler 12.1.

    On my webbrowser it works fine, but if i configure my Android Device wit the latest Workspace App i receiver an Error Code 548.


    Is it correct that it works on the clients only if the account type "Web Interface" is used? Even with the Windows Workspace app?






  10. Hey,

    thanks for that. But i have already configured the Netscaler.

    The Question is how to create a Client (User) Certifiacte if i use the Windows CA. The Root Certificate from our Windows CA i have already bound to the vserver.

    Which template i must use for that?


    I don't will create the certificates on the Netscaler.





  11. Hello,

    I would like to set up with the Netscaler 12.1 51.19nc a Two Factor Authentication  with LDAP and user certificates.

     have already done the configuration in the Netscaler. How do I create user certificates?


    As a CA, I have taken our CA from the AD.

    How can I issue valid certificates for users in the Windows CA?


    Many thanks for your help.



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