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Swetha Garipally 2

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Everything posted by Swetha Garipally 2

  1. Hello Sayantan Laha, Documentation suggests below note for HTTPs based imports. is your server expecting the client to send any cert? can you please provide more details about the error? The import fails if the object to be imported is on an HTTPS server that requires client certificate authentication for access.Thanks, Swetha
  2. Hello, auditmessage feature currently limits the number of log messages to 256, so is NITRO API. You may want to raise an enhancement request to NetScaler team if there is a use case to fetch more than 256 messages for you. About pagination, I am able to fetch more than 3 records. Below query is returning the latest 16 messages of the 256 messages. I have tried on 13.1 release though. let us know the NS version details where you are seeing the issue, we can assist further. curl 'http://<NSIP>/nitro/v1/config/auditmessages?args=numofmesgs:256&pagesize=16&pageno=16' -u nsroot:XXX Thank you for pointing the documentation error. We will take care of fixing it. Thanks, Swetha Garipally
  3. Hi Elias, If I understand correctly, you are trying to collect list of services that are not bound to an lbvserver. if so - yes, you can use "show svcbindings" and run through every servicename. alternatively , you can use below steps to achieve the same - run below two command on ns.conf grep "add service " ns.conf | awk -F" " '{print $3}' > tmp_svcnames grep "bind lb vserver" ns.conf | grep -vi policyname | awk -F" " '{print $5}' > tmp_lb_bound_svcnames execute below python script to get the list of services that are not bound to any lbvserverwith open("tmp_svcnames") as file: svcnames = [line.rstrip() for line in file] with open("tmp_lb_bound_svcnames") as file: busy_svcs = [line.rstrip() for line in file] busy_svcs_set = set(busy_svcs) busy_svcs_lists = list(busy_svcs_set) for svc in svcnames: if svc not in busy_svcs_lists: print(svc)
  4. Hi Elias, Can you please provide some details on the use-case you are trying to achieve? Are you planning to do the cleanup from CLI or from API?
  5. Hi, If the VIP is owned bya LoadBalancing Virtual Server then use GET on http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/stat/lbvserver/<name_of_the_vserver> will return VIP statistics. Documentation for the API is - https://developer-docs.citrix.com/projects/netscaler-nitro-api/en/latest/statistics/lb/lbvserver/#get If the VIP is owned by a Content Switching Virtual Server then use GET on http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/stat/csvserver/<name_of_the_vserver> . Documentation for the API is - https://developer-docs.citrix.com/projects/netscaler-nitro-api/en/latest/statistics/cs/csvserver/#get
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