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Wolfgang Wilhelm

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Posts posted by Wolfgang Wilhelm

  1. good morning,


    i ran into the following situation:


    Windows Server 2016 with 1912 CU7 LTSR VDA

    Windows Server 2016 Printserver with UPS 1912 LTSR CU7 installed

    The VDA has only one PrinterDriver installed, other printes are mapped via universal print client via policy

    UPS component on Windows Printserver UPS has been upgraded to 2203 LTSR


    Until here is works as expected:


    After upgrading the VDA from 1912 CU7 to 2203 connectivity to the printserver is lost.

    I can no longer map printer with erroor message 0x0000054f


    This happens fo printers with installed driver on VDA as well as for UPS mapped printers.


    Is this a known issue? (as the installation of Workspace app 2203 fails as well ? )


    kind regards




  2. good afternoon,


    i assume the cache file is then also put on the D: partition and not onto the attached cache drive.


    Put a file called "{9E9023A4-7674-41be-8D71-B6C9158313EF}.VDESK.VOL.GUID"  in the root directory of the D: partition (not the cache drive)

    and make sure the FS on the cache drive is NTFS.


    check also the drive position in your Hypervisor. In VMWare i noticed that disk on SCSI0 apeared as e: drive where disks on SCSI1 apeared as C: drive.

    This was becaus the adapter slot in VMWare had a higher PCI ID and the Windows OS does a different enumeration. ( afair the value is PCISlotNumber in the .vmx file)


    kind regards




  3. Hi,


    You have to allow the VM to update/install driver


    reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenTools\AutoUpdate /t REG_SZ /v \InstallDrivers /d yes


    Then tripper the Management Update procedure


    %PROGRAMFILES%\Citrix\XenTool\ManagementAgentupdater .exe CHECK


    logfile in C;\ProgramData\Citrix\XenUpdater


    The machine needs Internet connectivity (unless you have redirected the Updater per Pool/Vm to your internal webserver)


    kind regards

  4. finally i found it:


    the target devices created in PVS hadn't  a VirtualHostingPoolId set.


    get-pvsdevice -DeviceName TARGETDEVICENAME

    VirtualHostingPoolId    : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000



    VirtualHostingPoolId         : e32d2539-dbbd-4d51-8949-FFFFFFFFFFFF


    i went to the SQL database and updated the records:


    update dbo.Device set virtualHostingPoolId='E32D2539-DBBD-4D51-8949-FFFFFFFFFFFF' where devicename like 'TARGETDEVICENAME'


    now the checkbox is available on the target device properties is available.

    When it is ticked it does create a PVS_PROXY on the XenServerHost for the streaming VIF.


    So now i know how it works :-)



    • Like 1
  5. good morning,


    i ran into a serious issue after upgrading the UPS component of my printserver from 7.6 to 7.15


    I have Xendesktop VDA on Server 2016, Windows 10 and Windows 7, connecting to printserver with UPD enabled works as expected.


    GPOs are in place and some universal drivers are installed on the VDAs. When i connect to a printer with a known driver it maps the vendor driver, otherwise the UPD is used (fallback)




    If i now upgrade only the UPS component on the printserver i am no longer able to connect printers in my sessions.

    the error message is:


    Connect to printer:


    a policy is in effect on your computer which prevents you from connecting to this print queue.




    The printserveris currently (still) a Windows Server 2008 R2 with UPS 7.6 (the goal is to go to 2016 with UPS 1912, small steps)

    The VDA has XenDesktop 1912 CU1 installed

    what i tried to rule out:


    failed:   setup a new printserver with Server 2016 and UPD 1912 CU1 


    scenario A: clone and inplace UPS upgrade



    - cloned the printserver, gave new name (printserver2), rejoined domain and connected printers successfully

    - upgraded UPS software from 7.6 to 7.15 on cloned printserver2 - connecting printers failed



    Scenario B: new server 2016 with UPS version 7.6 




    connecting printer still fails


    Does someone have an idea?






  6. good afternoon,


    we had a site with XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR CU5 with one machine catalog for Windows XP (VDA.56 compatible), this worked fine.



    Windows XP and XenDesktop 7.





    Other machine catalogues host Server2016/Windows10 with compatibility 7.9 and above.


    The Site was upgraded to XD7 1912 LTSR.

    Now the Windows XP VDI with VDA5.6FP(5) can no longer register against the DDC. 

    Is there a way (like it did in 7.15LTSR) to make the VDA register against the XD7_1912 DDC?

    I think there was a protocol fallback in 7.15LTSR or different encryption.


    I know:

    - XP is EOL

    - XD5.6 is EOL


    thanks in advance





  7. > The devices created using the wizard could use the PVS Accelerator?  

    That is the question :-)


    at least the checkbox on the target device is checked, but XenCenter does not show PVSaccelerator enabled (can manually enable it, too).


    So when does the accelerator function work properly?


    a) PVS-A set on VM / XenCenter

    b PVS-A set on target device / PVServer

    c) PVS-A has to be enabled on both ( VM/XenCenter + taget device/PVServer) sides


    for all choices the PVS-A is enabled on the virtual host connection to the Xen Pool



  8. Note quite suer if i get your question right:


    >Does the XenServer hosting Unit that the target is on show that the PVS-Accelerator is enabled?


    If you mean the Virtual connect host properties, yes.


    > What using the VM setup wizard (or XD setup wizard) does is detects the XS host you are using has the PVS-Accelerator enabled and sets the >hosting unit, then all targets that use that host should have the check box on the device properties page enabled


    Yes, the wizard also creates new devices.

    please see attached pictures from PVS server for an existing machine test1 and for a machine that was created via wizard.


    for machine test1 i manually enabled the accelerator on XenServer via XenCenter, but the checkbox on PVSServer/target device  is missing.

    for machine test1-pvs i did it via wizard, checkbox is there on PVSServer/target device (not enabled on the VM on Xenserver. But it can be manually enabled: means i have the setting on XenServer (VM) and on target device (PVS).


    How do i add pictures?





  9. good afternoon,


    i am looking for a way to enable PVS accelerator for existing device collection/target devices/VMs


    What has been done:


    upgraded XenServer to version 7.2 and installed PVS supplemental pack

    upgraded PVS Server to version 7.13

    upgraded target device software, installed latest XenTools, VMs show windows update capability

    create XenServer PVSSR


    All documentation says i have to use the stream VM wizard. If i use it is shows the checkbox "PVS accelerator enabled" on PVSServer on the target device


    VM shows also in XenCenter with feature PVS acceletaror status caching.


    My question is:


    How do i enable this for an existing XenApp65 device collection?

    I was able to set the feature per VM in XenServer, but the checkbox is missing for these target devices in PVServer 7.13?




    greeting from Germany




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