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sid van

Legacy Group
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Posts posted by sid van

  1. Hello good day,


    I have trying to delete a list of VDI in Xendesktop 1912 by using a powershell script.

    To speed things up,  I have list of servers to be deleted put into a serverlist.txt.

    Now I would like to generate a script that reads from that serverlist.txt (previously i added the servernames  into that list)   


    The following has to be done:


    Put the affected servers in maintance mode and show result on screen that servers are in maintance mode and press a key to continue   and shutdown the servers and show result on screen.

    After that delete the servers from catalog and show result of the deletion of servers to a a file  for example  deleted-servers.txt. 


    I have some code but some parts are missing:


    #================================================= ========= #
    # Get server list from serverlist.txt
    #================================================= =========


    Get-Content C:\serverlist.txt

    foreach ($machine in $machines) {Set-BrokerMachineMaintenanceMode -InputObject $machine $true}


    #================================================= ========= #
    # How status of maintance status of servers on screen and press any key to continue
    #================================================= =========

    ->> how can I get the result of the maintance status of the servers on screen?


    Get-BrokerMachine -MachineName  xxxx  | fl InMaintenanceMode  ?

    Pause and press any key to continue



    #================================================= ========= #
    #  Delete the affected servers from Catalog and write result to deleted-VDI.txt
    #================================================= =========


    Remove-BrokerMachine  -MachineName  xxxxx


    Write results to file of deleted servers


    Please help .. thanks in advance

  2. Hello good day,


    I have trying to delete a list of VDI in Xendesktop 1912 by using a powershell script.

    To speed things up,  I have list of servers to be deleted put into a serverlist.txt.

    Now I would like to generate a script that reads from that serverlist.txt (previously i added the servernames  into that list)   


    The following has to be done:


    Put the affected servers in maintance mode and show result on screen that servers are in maintance mode and press a key to continue   and shutdown the servers and show result on screen.

    After that delete the servers from catalog and show result of the deletion of servers to a a file  for example  deleted-servers.txt. 


    I have some code but some parts are missing:


    #================================================= ========= #
    # Get server list from serverlist.txt
    #================================================= =========


    Get-Content C:\serverlist.txt

    foreach ($machine in $machines) {Set-BrokerMachineMaintenanceMode -InputObject $machine $true}


    #================================================= ========= #
    # How status of maintance status of servers on screen and press any key to continue
    #================================================= =========

    ->> how can I get the result of the maintance status of the servers on screen?


    Get-BrokerMachine -MachineName  xxxx  | fl InMaintenanceMode  ?

    Pause and press any key to continue



    #================================================= ========= #
    #  Delete the affected servers from Catalog and write result to deleted-VDI.txt
    #================================================= =========


    Remove-BrokerMachine  -MachineName  xxxxx


    Write results to file of deleted servers


    Please help .. thanks in advance


  3. Hello good day,


    We are running a test environment and I am trying write a short Powershell script to add multiple users and group to different applications.  I get error message while trying to run the script. 

    The script is:


    $AppList = @("Calculator",
    "Character Map",
    $Apps = Get-BrokerApplication  | Where {$_.Name -in $AppList}
    $User = Add-BrokerUser  | Where {$_.Name -in $users}
    foreach ($App in $Apps) { 
    add-BrokerUser  -Application $APP -InputObject@($users)


    Please help,



  4. Hello good day,


    (Virtual Apps and Desktops 2109)


     We have a large amount of applications in our company. I want to change, using Powershell, some applications and set the description KEYWORD to MANDATORY.  


    I am using to simple lines for this but i have an issue with string of apps . I put "name of app" between quotes and I put a , (comma) between the apps


    For testing I have tried this but I get an error.:


    $app = Get-BrokerApplication  "Notepad", "SAP7",  "AdobePro" 

    Set-BrokerApplication -InputObject $app  -Description "KEYWORDS:Mandatory"


    Please Help




  5. Hello good day,


    (Virtual Apps and Desktops 2109)


     We have a large amount of applications in our company. I want to change, using Powershell, some applications and set the description KEYWORD to MANDATORY.  


    I am using to simple lines for this but i have an issue with string of apps . I put "name of app" between quotes and I put a , (comma) between the apps


    For testing I have tried this but I get an error.:


    $app = Get-BrokerApplication  "Notepad", "SAP7",  "AdobePro" 

    Set-BrokerApplication -InputObject $app  -Description "KEYWORDS:Mandatory"


    Please Help




  6. Hello good day,


    I am pretty  new in Powershell so I have the following issue.


    In  the company we have  Virtual apps and Desktops 7.19. We have a lot of published applications.

    Now I have the following: I would like to make a script to check that a certain group is assigned to multiple applications, that is all apps that with a specific name in the application name for example, all apps that contain *SAP* word. 

    Now searching is easy to check just a list of SAP application and get the group members. 


    Get-BrokerApplication –applicationname “*SAP" |select AssociatedUserFullNames,

    ApplicationName | |out-gridview 


    But, of course, what i really what is to check those SAP applications if a certain domain group has be assigned to all those SAP applications. If not exist, then add that domain group

    Also, to getting the final result, would it be possible to get a message of the output like a number of applications affected (group wwas added) etc..


    Please help 



  7. Hello good day,


    We are using Virtual apps and Desktop 7.19 in the company. I am to achive the following:


    I want to create Powershell command that show all members of multiple of application with output to View Grid

    I have tried the following command with works ok but of course, I have the result of40  applications.  Also I have noticed that the output of the AssociatedUserFullNames are trimmed (withbrackets) if the group name is too long 


    Get-BrokerApplication -PublishedName "appname” |select AssociatedUserFullNames


    Besides this, I would like to the the same when adding a group (or groups) to multiples applications 

    I know that the command  Add-BrokerUser can accomplish this, but of course can this be done on 1 command line or a script

  8. Hello good day,


    We are using Virtual apps and Desktop 7.19 in the company. I am to achive the following:


    I want to create Powershell command that show all members of multiple of application with output to View Grid

    I have tried the following command with works ok but of course, I have the result of40  applications.  Also I have noticed that the output of the AssociatedUserFullNames are trimmed (withbrackets) if the group name is too long 


    Get-BrokerApplication -PublishedName "appname” |select AssociatedUserFullNames


    Besides this, I would like to the the same when adding a group (or groups) to multiples applications 

    I know that the command  Add-BrokerUser can accomplish this, but of course can this be done on 1 command line or a script is need?


    Please help. 



  9. Hello good day,


    We are using Virtual apps and Desktop 7.19 in the company. I am to achive the following:


    I want to create Powershell command that show all members of multiple of application with output to View Grid

    I have tried the following command with works ok but of course, I have the result of40  applications.  Also I have noticed that the output of the AssociatedUserFullNames are trimmed (withbrackets) if the group name is too long 


    Get-BrokerApplication -PublishedName "appname” |select AssociatedUserFullNames


    Besides this, I would like to the the same when adding a group (or groups) to multiples applications 

    I know that the command  Add-BrokerUser can accomplish this, but of course can this be done on 1 command line or a script is need?


    Please help. 






  10. Hello good day,


    In our environment virtual apps and desktops 7.19 LTRS, I want to create Storefront Store using powershell. I use the command 

    Install-DSStoreServiceAndConfigure  but I would like to have output of the command when it runs. I mean, having a complete verbose output to a file (txt  or csv, for example) I want to capture all information when the command is running. 


    What would be syntax for this?


    Thank you in advance. 

  11. Hello everybody,


    I have the following issue:


    In our Xendesktop 7.19, users connect to a published Edge browser and once browser is loaded they want to navigate to the Internet. There is a GPO at a higher level COMPUTER OU  to use WPAD with certain proxy addresses but when the user goes the Internet, a windows message pops up with the address of the proxy configured and they must enter their user name and password. This not want we want: we want to bypass the WPAD configuration setup and use an other proxy address so that the user does not have input their name and password (they are all AD users). We have tried everything so far: Registry entries for proxy configuration GPO under User Preferences, also imported Edge admx but nothing works. Is there a way to reset the WPAD (clean out) configuration settings and apply a custom proxy settings when they connect the  their published Edge browser. Maybe via a script or powershell.  I found also a web page but i am not sure if this is going to work.

    Configuring Proxy Settings via GPO on Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 – TheITBros

    Please help



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