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Clipboard mapping (copy/paste) stops working all of the sudden



We are currently experiencing the issue that clipboard mapping fails to work randomly for users and it causes people to dislike Citrix😔

This is a very annoying and weird issue as users can start working in the morning with their Citrix apps and copy/paste works perfectly for some time (between Citrix apps as well as between local app and citrix app) but all of the sudden (after some time and probably after using copy/paste quite a couple of times) it stops working. Logging off the Citrix session (which holds all Citrix apps) and logging on again to the Citrix apps solves the issue again but after some time copy/paste is not working again and users have to do the same trick (log off / logon again) all over again.

What is also weird is that it might work fine for a whole day and the next day random users have this copy/paste issue at random times, which of course also makes it very diffuclt to troubleshoot and pinpoint what the issue is.

We have opened a Citrix support case but Citrix is asking CDFtraces but of course this is difficult to achieve as it happens randomly and users have other things to do then calling IT to ask to perform a CDF trace (which we also cannot do anyways as we, as a Citrix support team, do not have local admin permissions on the local endpoint). For the rest Citrix support is not really keen on helping us further if we cannot supply them the CDF traces so we are a bit in a catch22 here (not really customer friendly of Citrix if you ask me).

Environment Information:

VDA Version: 2203 LTSR CU3

Citrix Workspace Version: Citrix Workspace App 2203.1  LTSR CU5 for Windows

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