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Block New Teams 2.1 Autostart on Published Apps only

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So I have a deployment where we publish Desktops and Apps to the same delivery group.  

When users login to the Desktop we want them to have the choice of auto starting Teams when they get there.  But in Published Apps we don't want Teams to launch.

Worked great with Teams 1.x.  But with New Teams 2.1 it is handles autostart differently.  It reads from the HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\SystemAppData\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\TeamsTfwStartupTask\State value.

So anyone else found an answer for this yet?  As of right now we are probably going to hard code that disabled State value with WEM, and then have users put teams in their personal Startup.  But want to avoid that if possible.

With more and more UWP style apps coming, I think this is going to creep up more and more, and don't really feel like having to police helper app auto launches if possible.

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