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Remove Citrix Xenserver from Pool

Mike Maggio1709162854


I have removed two 7.6b XenServers from our pool and made them standalone servers so I can upgrade them to 8.2. When I removed one of them everything was fine until I upgraded to 8.0. We lost connectivity but were able to restore it. However, after upgrading to 8.2, I could not join it to our 8.2 farm because I had to remove all connections including bonding. I removed one bond and lost connectivity again. How do you get around this?


The second server lost all connectivity as soon as I made it a standlone. Is there any way to remove from a pool without losing connectivity?


Mike Maggio

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3 answers to this question

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To join a pool from a standalone host, you must reduce the networking to just a single, un-bonded, un-multipathed, primary network interface. The host will then inherit the various network configurations from the pool (excepting things like dedicated iSCSI storage which will have to be done manually).. Also, the patch level must be identical on all hosts.

This is normal behavior, AFAIK. That's why it's important to keep notes on each host's specific network configurations in case the network settings get lost for whatever reason.



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