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Local Profiles on Multisession Host

Juergen Hartmann1709163776




we setup Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Environment with multiple, static Multisession-Hosts (Srv2022).

This because there will be different Teams (max 10 User) working on 1:1 assigned Multisession-Hosts because the Software on each host will differ from each other and the teams are static. 


I'm not sure what is best practice at the moment. I read about FSLogix, Citrix Profile Containers and Citrix Profile Management (classic). Therefore I thought I could keep the profiles on the local disk instead of using one of the above mentioned methods. Of course we use folder-redirection to a central share...


My questions:

a) Is it bad to have "local profiles" when there are static multisession hosts (for most teams only one VM) -> We hat no problems in the past (old XenApp environement) and performance was ok.

b) Normally you will have a list of exclusions of folders/files when redirecting the profiles to a share or virtual drive. Can/should I use this exclusions also with "local profiles"?

c) When we move to central stored profiles, should we go for Citrix Profile Containers or FSLogix (we use 2022Std Hosts, Citrix VAD 2212, Office 2019 with Exchange Online Accounts with OST)




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There is absolutely nothing wrong with using local profiles if you don't have a need for roaming them - just think about backing up critical data (if there is any) - but outside of that, users will love you for it experience wise....no point adding in complexity when it's not needed.


You might want to look at the ServerVDI switches on your ServerOS if there is only going to be 1:1 relationships.

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