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CVAD Server 2019 File Explorer Border

Nicholas Staab1709157778


Any found a decent solution to place a border around File Explorer with Server 2019 deployments? We use Virtual Apps and file explorer does not have a border with Server 2019, so if one launches multiple file explorers and their borders overlap, it is impossible to figure out where one window ends and the other begins. The issue is described here as well https://discussions.citrix.com/topic/404610-windows-server-2019-seamless-apps-and-1px-white-border/ (I also stole the image from this post). 


The solution given before requires registry changes for every user. 

Windows Server 2019 Seamless Apps and 1px white border.png

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Setting the registry value for each user is easy. Create a Group Policy for your servers (or modify an existing one.) Go to User Configuration>Preferences>Windows Settings>Registry. Add a new Registry item. Browse to your Value and set the data. Then repeat for remaining keys. 


If you're unsure about which value to set, I suggest a tool called RegFromApp: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/reg_file_from_application.html. It's kind of like procmon but for registry. It monitors changes to the registry for a specific process. Then it displays what it captured to a window. 

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