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Citrix Wem 2209 no such table: LocalSessionMonitoringData'.



Hi Everyone, I just upgraded my Wem infrastructure to release 2209. Everything is ok and all agents are correctly sync with the infrastructure server/console. However on one on my citrix catalog composed of VM created using a master and MCS I got the following error in the event log  Collecting session monitoring data exception, message is SQLite Error 1: 'no such table: LocalSessionMonitoringData'.


I really don't know how I can fix that, I already check the service account permission on the local db cache folder. On other Citrix server the error is not triggered. 

Can someone help me please ?

OS of my servers are 2012 R2, as you can see in the screenshot the error is raised every 30sec approximatively


Thanks for your helpVDA.thumb.png.3f35956ee23a0046208d07edeb01d7bb.pngEvent_viewer.thumb.png.2db1512d59395b236f74cc67e0c0b4b6.png

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I'm seeing the same error with 2209.  I just updated our test environment with 2212 and was still seeing the errors however once I stopped the WEM services and deleted the WEM local cache files (on my write cache drive) and started the services again the files rebuilt and its been about 10 minutes and I haven't seen the error re-occur.


Does anyone know if there's a better method to delete or recreate the local cache files compared to how I'm doing it?  I have hundreds of VDA's..

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9 hours ago, Sandy Williams said:

I'm seeing the same error with 2209.  I just updated our test environment with 2212 and was still seeing the errors however once I stopped the WEM services and deleted the WEM local cache files (on my write cache drive) and started the services again the files rebuilt and its been about 10 minutes and I haven't seen the error re-occur.


Does anyone know if there's a better method to delete or recreate the local cache files compared to how I'm doing it?  I have hundreds of VDA's..

I'm glad not to be the only one to experience the issue...


Regarding the local cache can you please tell me which files do you delete please ?



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14 hours ago, Sandy Williams said:

I'm seeing the same error with 2209.  I just updated our test environment with 2212 and was still seeing the errors however once I stopped the WEM services and deleted the WEM local cache files (on my write cache drive) and started the services again the files rebuilt and its been about 10 minutes and I haven't seen the error re-occur.


Does anyone know if there's a better method to delete or recreate the local cache files compared to how I'm doing it?  I have hundreds of VDA's..


I use a powershell script, it does require WinRM to be enabled (you can enable it by GPO).


$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like 'VDANAME*'" | ForEach-Object {$_.Name}
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computers -Scriptblock {
	Stop-Service wemagentsvc -Force
	Remove-Item 'D:\Citrix' -Recurse -Force
	Start-Service WemAgentSvc,Netlogon

Another option would be to move the local WEM db from the persistent to the non-persistent drive. I'm thinking about this because I have to rebuilt the cache so often.

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50 minutes ago, JEAN MARC DEBONO said:

In my case my MCS VDA are restarted every night so the local db cache should be rebuilt everyday, however I still got the event. I don't have the event on other servers just on the one using MCS.... perhaps someone got an idea on how to fix that without rebuilding the cache....


If you reboot MCS through Studio, and there is no caching configured the machine will be persistent. Try to reboot the machine outside of Citrix see if that fixes it.


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1 hour ago, Martijn Kools1709163625 said:


If you reboot MCS through Studio, and there is no caching configured the machine will be persistent. Try to reboot the machine outside of Citrix see if that fixes it.


I try this and unfortunately it doesn't fix the event viewer full of error regarding WEM. Before restarting the VM do I need to delete the cache DB ?

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We've upgraded to WEM 2212 and get similar error message:


An error occurred while retrieving condition filter data!

Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 1: 'no such column: i.Password'.


This is on the Broker Server.


On the agent side we get this one:


An error occurred while retrieving condition filter data!
Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException (0x80004005): SQLite Error 1: 'no such column: i.ConditionTree'.


@sanday williams
Pls let me know if you get an solution on this. Thx.


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Same issue here with XenDesktop 2203 LTSR and WEM 2212 and Cache Folder on D:\Citrix\WEMCache disk...


"Collecting session monitoring data exception, message is SQLite Error 1: 'no such table: LocalSessionMonitoringData'."


seems that this error doesn't have any impact on the functionality of the WEB agent...



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