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Sessions freezing and no users able to connect Windows 2019, 2203 CU1

Clinton Dunn1709152451




We are using XenDesktop 2203 CU1 on Windows 2019 and have come across the following issue:


Users login via Citrix workspace and work fine for a few hours or most of the day. Randomly a new user will try to connect and they get stuck on the Citrix loading tab under profile management. If as admin we try to RDP to the server we get 1)Nothing past the password prompt, you do not see the server logging in 2)Log in via the console within VMware you get the task you are trying to do cannot be completed because RDP services is currently busy please try again later. Remote connection to services and resetting various services like desktop broker doesn't help.


A ticket was logged with Citrix and a dump file was requested of the issue as well as opening a ticket with Microsoft in case they need to work together.


A dump file has now been captured and analysed in the meantime by Microsoft who show that the ctxgfx.exe is holding up connections and blocking connections which in turn is holding the remote desktop services from completing.  The dump is still being analysed by Citrix.


I just wanted to check if anyone else has come across this issue? I will update here once Citrix feedback as this looks to be a bug under 2203 CU1 so far.



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Citrix has responded that this is a known issue in 2203, 2203 CU1 and 2206 as mentioned in the following link: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX463756/2203-or-2206-server-os-vda-may-experience-bsod-on-tdicasys 


We can see TDICA.sys errors in the event viewer.


A unsigned private hotfix is available for 2203 CU1 and a signed 2203 CU1 hotfix will be available this Friday the 21st of October. Alternatively update to 2209 to resolve this issue. This issue should be resolved with the hotfix being rolled into 2203 CU2.

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