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cannot start windows 10 iso

Michele Azimonti


hello all,

so I have this problem driving me crazy in my small home lab and maybe you can help.

Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 LTSR all updates installed, running on vmware workstation, connected to a iSCSI LUN, thick provisioning.

I've recently cleared and recreated the AD domain and to make sure I still know how to do stuff, decided to recreate the XenDesktop / Virtual Desktop environment.


I create a Windows 10 x64 machine using the template, 2cpu, 6gb ram, hosted on the LUN and attach the Windows 10 ISO to the hypervisor. so far so good.

then I fire up the VM and... nothing works. I just get a black screen with a blinking cursor for an unlimited amount of time.


the log in %appdata%\citrix\logs only show this:

2022-08-15 21:57:31,644 INFO  Audit [23] - Operation success: VMStartAction: HOST01: VM d047406b-c79b-5eef-7398-9f1256802b2f (WIN10X-Master): Host 855acd57-ce0a-43ee-bb72-695c6e24edd9 (HOST01): Started

yet nothing happens.


I tried with another iso (windows server 2016) and it works like a breeze. then I downloaded the win10 iso from MS again, started the VM... black screen. I used the same iso to create a VM in vmware workstation and it works.


so to recap: I cannot use the windows 10 iso *only* on xen center hypervisor. everywhere else it works.

any idea?





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