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in-house application not working with drag and drop files between a Citrix session and a local endpoint

IT Afdelingen1709155526



according to this article


Drag and drop should work. and it does partially. After enable the Citrix policy ‘Drag and Drop’ i can drag a local file from my client pc , to a outlook new mail attachment inside citrix session . all good.


But our in-house application does not work. So my question is does anyone here know what the Citrix/Windows requirement is for the application to work ? 


I have tested on

Citrix Workspace 2109

Citrix XenApp VDA  2106 

Server Windows 2019 


We are using  C# WinForms application built in .Net Framework 4.7.1 for the in-house application


The DragDrop has works without any problem when running the in-house desktop application outside Citrix. It also works if it is started from a Citrix Desktop. But when hosting it as a Citrix Application, No event is fired; not the DragDrop and not the DragEnter. The mouse marker just have the "denied" glyph, as if the AllowDrop would be false.

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same here. But now I've found a support article by Citrix.

Drag and Drop feature does not work for some specific apps (citrix.com)

"Drag and Drop feature includes the desktop, Explorer window, and some applications. However, this feature does not support all apps. "

"After checking with development, only CFSTR_FILECONTENTS and CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR formats are supported for Drag and Drop feature. The other formats are not supported."


Well, seems that this new drag & drop between local and Citrix feature does not support much and is at the moment unusful for us.

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 We have found that the  Drag and Drop feature is broken in 2 VDA versions (haven't test past 2112).  We were trying to get a VDA version where both Copy/PAste and Drag/Drop worked.


We settled on 2103 with the clipboard dll (vclipd.dll) from 2109 in order to achieve this.


The table below summarizes what we have found.  Hope this helps







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