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How to get result with powershell command (or script) of application's group members and how to add a group (or groups) to multiple applications

sid van


Hello good day,


We are using Virtual apps and Desktop 7.19 in the company. I am to achive the following:


I want to create Powershell command that show all members of multiple of application with output to View Grid

I have tried the following command with works ok but of course, I have the result of40  applications.  Also I have noticed that the output of the AssociatedUserFullNames are trimmed (withbrackets) if the group name is too long 


Get-BrokerApplication -PublishedName "appname” |select AssociatedUserFullNames


Besides this, I would like to the the same when adding a group (or groups) to multiples applications 

I know that the command  Add-BrokerUser can accomplish this, but of course can this be done on 1 command line or a script is need?


Please help. 



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