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Migrate VDI to new VMware hypervisor


I am trying to move existing MCS persistent full clone VMs to a new VMware cluster (hosts and storage). Below is the procedure i am using.


  • Delete the VM from the existing MCS machine catalogue
  • VMotion the VM to new cluster and storage (new hypervisor connection) 
  • Create new 'manual" Machine Catalogue that points to the new hypervisor connection. (machines that are "power managed" and "Another service technology" selected)


The issue I am having is when I try to add the VM to the machine catalogue (browse the vmware cluster from within studio) it does not see the VM in the VCenter inventory.  Just wondering if this is normal or if I should be using a different procedure.  I would like to maintain power management features of the VM.



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5 answers to this question

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On 1/23/2021 at 3:08 PM, James Kindon said:

James, I happened upon your script last night and it is a godsend -- thank you for sharing it with the community!


I have been beating my head on the keyboard for most of today trying to figure out what I am doing wrong, essentially the machines get dropped from the old machine catalog and DG but never get added to the target groups.


Any help would be appreciated!



VERBOSE: --------Starting Iteration--------
VERBOSE: Starting Timer
VERBOSE: JSON input selected. Importing JSON data from: C:\Temp\ASE-MCS.json
VERBOSE: Loading Citrix Snapins
VERBOSE: Confirming Authentication with Citrix Cloud
VERBOSE: Working with Source Catalog: ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test
VERBOSE: Working with Target Catalog: ENT Prod - VDI - Legacy Win10 Static
VERBOSE: Working with Target Delivery Group: ENT Prod - VDI - Legacy Win10 Static
VERBOSE: Source Catalog: Getting details for ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test
VERBOSE: Source Catalog: ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test is an MCS catalog. Proceeding
VERBOSE: Source Catalog: ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test Getting Identity Pool information
VERBOSE: Target Catalog: Getting details for ENT Prod - VDI - Legacy Win10 Static
VERBOSE: Target Catalog: ENT Prod - VDI - Legacy Win10 Static is a Manual Catalog. Proceeding
VERBOSE: Target Delivery Group: Getting Detail for ENT Prod - VDI - Legacy Win10 Static
VERBOSE: Source Catalog: Getting VMs from: ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test
VERBOSE: There are 5 machines to process
VERBOSE: Processing machine 1 of 5
VERBOSE: Processing DOMAIN\WIN10779011
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Setting Maintenance Mode to On
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Removing from Delivery Group ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test DG
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Unlocking ProvVM Account
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Removing ProvVM but keeping VM
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Removing Account from Machine Catalog ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Removing VM from Machine Catalog ENT Prod - VDI - Migration Test
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Adding to Catalog ENT Prod - VDI - Legacy Win10 Static

WARNING: Neither hypervisor connection nor machine ID can be specified for an unmanaged machine
Get-BrokerMachine : Object does not exist
At C:\Temp\MigrateMCSToManual.ps1:222 char:12
+     $DG = (Get-BrokerMachine -MachineName $VM.MachineName).DesktopGro ...
+            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-BrokerMachine], SdkOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Citrix.XDPowerShell.Broker.UnknownObject,Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.GetBrokerMachineCommand

VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Adding to Delivery Group ENT Prod - VDI - Legacy Win10 Static
WARNING: No items match the supplied pattern
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Processing User Assignments
WARNING: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: There are no user assignments defined
VERBOSE: DOMAIN\WIN10779011: Setting Published Name to WIN10779011
WARNING: No items match the supplied pattern






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On 3/12/2022 at 8:19 AM, Chris Retter said:

WARNING: Neither hypervisor connection nor machine ID can be specified for an unmanaged machine
Get-BrokerMachine : Object does not exist

I probably need to add way better error handling on this script - but straight off the bat it looks like you may not be targeting a power managed catalog as the destination - it has to have a hosting connection associated with it back to the same hypervisor as the MCS source

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