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Customize Netscaler Gateway 12 logon page with javascript

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we have Netscaler gateway running on Netscaler VPX v12.0

Logon page is already customized (logon fields are renamed, custom logo, ...). We also have implemented some kind of EULA with rewrite policies and this works fine.


We have now implemented a customer status page (a product of Atlassian) and they provide a possibility to implement a plugin on a website which automatically show the current status.

This is a JS script. So our idea was to add this to the logon page:

<script src="https://statusportal..../script.js">

I tried adding this in a rewrite policy but for some reason I cannot get it working (I even don't know if this is supported).



When addding the rewrite action, I get this error:

Expression syntax error [ript src="^https://zt, Offset 35]


I tried several thing but I cannot get it working. Could someone help me on this?





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