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Automatise Windows 10 Gold Image update Pipeline tips

Emmanuel Mergirie


HI Guys


I looking a way to create a pipeline to maintain my gold image up to date evry 3 mounths

I have some solutions available to do it but I would like to have you advise about these task

for exemple


I using actually system endpoint manager with a deployment ( task Sequence ) with all steps to buid my gold image and at the end I plane to run a script to make a vmware snapshot and update a vamidation mcs catalogue.

others solution :

I plan to use Packer to build an image and I put the os build to azure devops to create a pipeline with will update a validation catalogue with the new version of my gold image.


Does this make sense for you could you sudjet me your opinion about those solution.

the idea is to schedule the execution of the pipeline to make that task fully automated.









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