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No GUI in ADM 13.0 58.30 in Hyper-V

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Hi, I am doing a new build of ADM and cannot get the GUI to load after setting up the network config and running the deploy script. I have rebooted it a couple times (shutdown -r now) but that hasn't helped. It is Hyper-V 2019 if that matters. I've looked at a log of the files in the/var/mps/ folder but nothing is obviously wrong to me. I'm really at a loss here, I was able to setup ADM on v12 about a year ago and didn't have any issues, I'm trying to get this new ADM setup in a new farm and retire the old VM.

I built it with 2 vCPUs, 8GB RAM, and a 120GB drive. I'm only going to use the 30 included licenses and these specs were working fine in the old server farm. 


Any suggestions? I have a support ticket open #79866584 but haven't been able to get anyone to help me yet. 


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