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Get-BrokerMachine : Failed to connect to back-end server 'localhost' on port 80 using binding WSHttp. when using Citrix Cloud powershell from command line (poweshell.exe calling a ps1 script)


Get-BrokerMachine : Failed to connect to back-end server 'localhost' on port 80 using binding WSHttp. when using Citrix Cloud powershell from command line (poweshell.exe calling a ps1 script)


Script works from powershell ISE, but if i save the script as a PS1 file and call it from powershell.exe from within a .net app and set UseShellExecute = false it fails



asnp citrix.*
Set-XDCredentials -ProfileType CloudApi -CustomerId "xxxx" -APIKey xxxx -SecretKey xxxx
$vm = Get-BrokerMachine -HostedMachineName xxxx


Calling the script with UseShellExecute = True it works, but then I can't capture the output of the script

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I have seen this before. A coworker couldn't get any commands working in PowerShell ISE whereas on the same Cloud Connector I had no issue. As it turns out the issue is he was using the 32-bit version of PowerShell ISE; PowerShell ISE (x86).


It makes sense. Using 32-bit Powershell against back end 64-bit services is bound to run into problems. I just wish the error was more descriptive. I was able to reproduce the issue with both 64 and 32 bit versions of PowerShell ISE running side by side.  

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