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Random / Regular User Logoff Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program

Andrew Gresbach1709152664


We have been battling a very strange issue in our MCS non persistent environment for the past several months in both Windows 7 and 10 environments.   The issue is users will be actively working and they will see their session say "Restarting" and down it goes.   This looks to be a graceful restart as far as we have been able to tell and have been trying to gather more details for a while now since Windows logs clear on reboot .   We are using Full User Layer but those logs don't get captured in that obviously.   Recently we found a scripted way to add a 2nd persistent disk to every MCS desktop in the pool (Nutanix in our example) and I was able to point the Windows logs to that new D:\ successfully.   Anyways,  tonight i'm seeing the first few examples show up and from what I can tell its the same event in the System log each time it occurs and not sure what to do about it.   




As far as I can tell i already have the Customer Experience Improvement Program disabled so not sure what else to do.   any ideas would be appreciated!  thank you!


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