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Change MS SQL Server Host Name

Hassan Ali




We have a Citrix environment running on MS SQL Express 2017. We are going to upgrade From Express to Standard. However before upgrading we need to change the host name of SQL Server. How can we change the host name of SQL Server and bring necessary changes in Citrix environment for the new host name of the server? Appreciate a prompt response and step by step instruction on how to attempt it.


Thank you.

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2 answers to this question

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Citrix does not recommend changing the names of any main servers once your environment is set up. However, the steps will be when you will change the host name of your SQL server, The strings will have to be reset on the Delivery Controller to point to the new host name. To do this, you will first have to nullify your strings and then reset them pointing to the new host name. You can refer to this artcle:  https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX232979  (Take snapshots of the Delivery Controllers and a back up of the Database before doing so). 


Since Citrix does not recommend changing the host name, what I would suggest is, take a backup of your Database, create a new server with the required new Hostname and migrate the Database to that new server. After that, set the strings on the Delivery Controller pointing to the new server using the above link I have mentioned.


Hope this helps!

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