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BSOD with BNiStack and CvHDMP.sys

Syed Aleem Uddin


Hi Guys,


I am running PVS 7.6. with target device installation software on Window 7 SP1 x86 having version in a lab environment running vWmare vSphere 5.1.

vDisk with write-cache on device hard drive and PVD is running fine in Standard Image mode.

However, when I promoted vDisk version to Maintenance and started another target device with maintenance mode, it came across BSOD with BSOD with BNiStack and CvHDMP.sys

I have attached these error with this email.

Should I follow this straight solution http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX202087 .. it requires installing this hotfix on master image ?





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18 answers to this question

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I had the same issue when trying to convert a vm to pvs.  I found that someone had installed Microsoft Network Monitor 3 on the NIC to perform packet captures.  I removed this by opening a cmd prompt and running C:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3.0\nmconfig.exe /uninstall.  Once it was converted it booted up just fine. 

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looks like i followed this procedure







it did resolve issue. Please bear in mind its all setup in my Lab environment not in production. I am pretty sure, it is working fine for me after applying procedure because i have not turned my lab env for 2 months. :)

. I also performed 'vDisk Promotion' from PVS console with both original and delta VM running side-by-side.

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sometimes it takes longer than expected for the network to initialize and become available for the bnistack driver.  If you you see the error "Error: Bnistack failed, network stack could not be initialized"  means that the PVS driver tried and waited and could not find the network.  In some cases it just takes longer you can modify the wait using the following registry keys:




    Type: REG_DWORD

    Data: <range of 200 (default) to 2000 (milliseconds)>




    Type: REG_DWORD

    Data: <range of 5 (default) to 40>


This is the number of times the BNIStack will try to initialize the network (default 5) and wait in between attempts (default 200 ms)

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Hello Carl Fallis,


I tried the same which you suggested above but did not work..


My environment is Xenserver 7.0

Xendesktop/xenapp 7.12

Windows 2012

PVS 7.12


irrespective of whatever i tried as mentioned in the following links, nothing is working out for me, can you please help me to troublshoot the issue 





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Hello Carl Fallis,


I tried the same which you suggested above but did not work..


My environment is

Xenserver 7.0

Xendesktop/xenapp 7.12

Windows 2012

PVS 7.12



irrespective of whatever i tried as mentioned in the following links, nothing is working out for me, can you please help me to troublshoot the issue 

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I am having this same problem on PVS 7.6.5 with Windows 2008 R2 SP2 w/VMWare 5.5


I have all patches installed that are relevant to PVS.


I have checked the BNIStack with vmware instructions and as always when this happens, none of it actually applies, ever. There are literally never problems with multiple hidden adapters or with the eth0 configuration on the VM not being 192. It is consistently not that, ever, for me and I can't imagine anyone else has ever seen that either for real except maybe one time years ago.


What is the cause of this problem really?

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I had that same problem with you. I follow this CTX https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX129743


1. Connect in the Master Image with local disk.

2. Remove Target Device.

3. Install KB https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2550978/0x0000007b-stop-error-after-you-replace-an-identical-iscsi-network-ad


4. Remove all networks. (Hypervisor)

5. Install networks

6. Verify if have ghost network (https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX133188)

7. Install Target Device.

8. Execute procedure to capture the image of the local disk for the PVS.




Alessandro Tomazetti.

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I had the same issue with Windows Server 2016 VM's running on PVS 7.15 CU 4 on Citrix Hypervisor. Tried lot of troubleshooting but did'nt get anywhere with it. Citrix recommended me to uninstall the "Machine Identity Service Agent" from the VDA's which fixed the issue instantly.



To uninstall search for :


"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" and find key which has sub value "DisplayName" and value "Machine Identity Service Agent"


Copy the uninstall key from the registry and run it in CMD.

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Unrelated to some I'm sure, but I was running into this issue recently on some Server 2016 images on PVS 7.15CU3 VDAs as we upgraded them to CU4.  We don't attach our Citrix images to WSUS and there was a vmware nic driver from late 2018 that was getting pushed via Windows Update.  I ended up using wushowhide.cab from MS to hide that specific update and was able to apply all other patches.    Afterwards, did the nic swap trick to update vmware tools without reverse imaging and all was well on our end.



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We are having the same issue in our Test environment with Win Server 2016 CU3.  I excluded the VMware Nic driver and then was able apply Windows update.  Then I upgraded the VDA and Target Device software to CU4 successfully.  However, when I tried to apply VMware tools upgrade, I got the same error.  Can you elaborate on the nic swap trick? 


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On 10/11/2019 at 6:42 PM, Paul Deol said:

We are having the same issue in our Test environment with Win Server 2016 CU3.  I excluded the VMware Nic driver and then was able apply Windows update.  Then I upgraded the VDA and Target Device software to CU4 successfully.  However, when I tried to apply VMware tools upgrade, I got the same error.  Can you elaborate on the nic swap trick? 


Aaron Silber's method to update vmware tools without reverse imaging. 

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