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VDA client fails installation (IcaWS_x64.msi)


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If you try to install the "IcaTS_x64.msi" manually you will get the problem instantly.


The installation tries to set a regkey in "HKLM\Software\wow6432node\citrix\euem\loggedevents" but failed to do so because of an permission issue.


Probably this gets set when installing the msi and not removed after uninstallation.

Just take ownership and add the user installing the MSI and it will run fine.

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Jan, check and make sure you have the right version of .net installed.  I've had the vda installer bomb out when..err..can't remember exactly but I think I had .net 4.5.2 when trying to install the 7.5 vda and it bombed out, but uninstalling 4.5.2 and installing 4.5.1 resolved the issue.  Oddly enough I could then upgrade .net back up to 4.5.2 without issues.

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When trying to run the VDA client on a W2012R2 server I run into:

 Citrix.MetaInstaller.MetaInstallerException Installation of MSI File 'IcaTS_x64.msi' failed with code 'InstallFailure' (1603)


I attached the msi.log


I already tried to re-install the C++ stuff, but no cigar.


Any suggestions?





Hi Jan,


Make sure you don't have the following MS Windows Installer update installed: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3072630


Per http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX201748

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ISSUE: MSI File 'IcaTS_x64.msi' failed with code 'InstallFailure' (1603)



Installing or Updating 7.6 VDA Client (to new version 7.6.300) on Windows 2008 R2 has the same issue


Try Uninstalling Microsoft Hotfix KB 3072630

And update after the Hotfix is uninstalled.


Worked for me... tried several configurations. Even the temporary registry change shown in the Microsoft-article did not work!

It had to be uninstalled.

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Confusingly, the latest downloads for the Citrix XenDesktop Workstation and Server VDA are switched around such that when you click on the Server VDA, you get the Workstation VDA and vice versa. When you try to install the Workstation VDA, you will get this error message.


Make sure you have the correct (Server / Workstation) package for your OS. You may still get this error message BUT at least you might be able to fix it using the instructions others have provided.

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So I posted the fix too early and disabling the Symantec Endpoint did not work. We tried the granting permission to the registry key (HKLM\SOFTWARE\CITRIX\EUEM\LoggedEvents), uninstalled KB3072630 and created the registry key fix from CTX201748. None of these worked. Any other suggestions? We have tried to uninstall and it fails and trying to install an older version fails as well. We were able to run a MS fix it and remove the 7.7 VDA but still received the same failure when trying to install the 7.8 VDA. We have opened a case with Citrix... I will post an update once we have one!

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So I posted the fix too early and disabling the Symantec Endpoint did not work. We tried the granting permission to the registry key (HKLM\SOFTWARE\CITRIX\EUEM\LoggedEvents), uninstalled KB3072630 and created the registry key fix from CTX201748. None of these worked. Any other suggestions? We have tried to uninstall and it fails and trying to install an older version fails as well. We were able to run a MS fix it and remove the 7.7 VDA but still received the same failure when trying to install the 7.8 VDA. We have opened a case with Citrix... I will post an update once we have one!


Facing the same issue on a 2008 R2 PVS image right now 77-->7.8 upgragrade.  

Upgrade to PVS Target Device was fine, VDA upgrade failing, failing...


Please let us know the outcome of the case, or case # so I can quote to open another...


I swear kb3072630 has been the bain of my existence in the past few weeks!!!

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I have success now.

Just tried uninstalling SEP, things worked??


I'm running into this issue right at this moment with Citrix 7.8 on a Windows 10 Desktop VM.

Exact same error and scenario. However there was no Norton installed on this VM. Its fairly virgin except for Adobe Creative Cloud.   I'm starting the process of uninstalling one component at a time and testing to see if I can find which may be the offending one. 


As for updates, other than the redistributables installed by Citrix 7.8, there are few for Windows 10. I do not see the one indicated above (KB3072630). I'm only seeing KB2565063, KB3140768, KB3139907, KB3136561, and KB3135173

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I had the same issue by one of my serverOS from 7.7 to 7.8 and then I found in the event log that one registry key was not accessible. I believe it was the same key (something with EUEM) and I didn't had SEP installed, we use another AV software.

The solution for me was to edit the permission for this subkey (add local administrators to the group with full rights) and then restart the installation. This solved the problem for me.


just to remark, I've updated about 50 serverOS and just got this problem by one of the serverOS machines.

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We were getting Installation of MSI File 'IcaTS_x64.msi' failed during an upgrade from XA7.6 to XA7.8



In the Administrative Events, there we found Event ID 11402 error with the message content below:



Product: Citrix HDX TS (retail) -- Error 1402. Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32\SOFTWARE\Citrix\EUEM\LoggedEvents.  System error 5.  Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. 



To resolve this issue, we did the following:



Granted Users full control over HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CITRIX\EUEM and when to advanced properties and propagated the permissions.  

Upgrade completed successfully. 


Good luck and hope this helps. 


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Hi -


I believe the simplest solution, which worked for me - is simply to grant 'Full control' to CREATOR OWNER in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CITRIX\EUEM\LoggedEvents. I think this honours the owner of the object which created it without granting any additional or unneeded permissions.


Thanks to those above for diagnosing the issue!

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I had the same problem on a new 2012 R2 server with IcaTS_x64.msi
I tried installing the Ica_TS.msi separately and got a security error to do with reg key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\Euem. 
Then I made local Administrators Owner - and set to inherit to subfolders. I ran the Ica_ts.msi again on its own - and that worked ok. I then removed the VDA with VDACleanUpUtility - rebooted, then reinstalled full VDA.
This worked ok.


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I tried to upgrade from XenApp 6.5 to XenApp 7.6 VDA on a Windows 2008 R2 server and received the same error about IcaTS_x64.msi. My fix was to uninstall the Windows Update KB3139923 package, rebooted the server. After that I didn't have any errors anymore, and the installation went through and finished successfull.

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Running into the same scenario. Physical server MS 2008 R2. (35 servers in the site)


Site is running Xenapp 7.11.


VDA agent 7.6 -  Trying to install 7.11 getting the same 1603 error.


Uninstalled  virus scan.

Uninstalled Palo Alto firewall

Uninstalled KB3072630


KB3139923 not installed




Running the installation from the c:\temp\xenapp 7.11


downloaded and ran the Citrix VDA cleanup utility


 registry permission set to my domain account from the root of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node



opened a case wth Citrix support


Thanks for your help!


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This thread came up in my Google results so I just thought I would share my solution.  My issue was not identical but very similar.



In my case it was IcaTS_x64.msi and the MSI error code was 1648.


I had caused the issue by uninstalling the VDA before uninstalling a hotfix for that MSI.  Now I could not install or uninstall the VDA or the hotfix; always error 1648.


I was able to fix it using Microsoft's "Program Install and Uninstall" which is basically the modern equivalent of the old discontinued Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.


I told it I needed to uninstall the hotfix.  It detected registry problems and fixed them, which allowed me to uninstall the hotfix.  Then I was able to install the VDA with no error, and the hotfix after that.




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Hi all,


Much like Jeremy above my issue was also in relation to IcaTS_x64.msi except with code 'InstallFailure' (1603), on Server 2012R2, trying to install VDAServerSetup7.13

The fix for me required me to log into the local administrator to reset the registry permission of "HKLM\Software\wow6432node\citrix\euem\loggedevents". The domain admin account I was using couldn't change the owner of key "loggedevents"

What I did was propagate permissions from "HKLM\Software\wow6432node\citrix\euem"

Then I logged back in as the domain admin account and the re-ran the installer completed successfully.



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On 11/30/2015 at 4:12 AM, Arjan Beijer1709152615 said:

If you try to install the "IcaTS_x64.msi" manually you will get the problem instantly.


The installation tries to set a regkey in "HKLM\Software\wow6432node\citrix\euem\loggedevents" but failed to do so because of an permission issue.


Probably this gets set when installing the msi and not removed after uninstallation.

Just take ownership and add the user installing the MSI and it will run fine.


this was the case for me going from 7.14 to 7.15 LTSR CU1. once i modified permissions on this key for installer account, good to go.  

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