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Session hung at logoff on Windows Server 2012 R2

Benjamin Oumlsterle




im using XenApp 7.6 on Windows Server 2012 R2 (Published Desktops).


When the user logs of the session is stuck and it looks like the screenshot in the attachments.


The following processes are running:






i am not able to sign of the session.


In this moment the user is not able to login on another server.

When i kill winlogon.exe the session closes, but the user is still not able to login.

When i restart the server the problem is temporary solved..


On the DDC i got this error in event viewer:

Error ID 12346, No available ressource found for user


Any idea on this issue?

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We are still on PVS 7.6 (and vDisks on 7.6), but the VDAs for all other systems are 7.7. We're now 1 week after the 2nd month of maintenance, and no stuck session so far. With that said, since we're now 2 months behind with Windows Updates, I have no choice but to reboot the PVS XA clients sometime this week. But it's encouraging that no session has been stuck again since the 7.7 VDA upgrade.



We've been on XenDesktop 7.7 since the last maintenance window (about a month ago), and so far, no stuck sessions. Until we get another stuck session, we can't really proceed with Citrix escalation. I'm going to prevent our Citrix servers from rebooting this Friday during our monthly maintenance and see how it holds up for another month without reboot.


The only "fix" we have performed so far is to simply upgrade the entire infrastructure to 7.7, with exception of the PVS Servers themselves (they are still on 7.6).


Steps I took was to uninstall VDA 7.6, then install 7.7 onto the XA/Server OS servers. Upgraded Director, Studio to 7.7. Upgraded License Server to the latest recently. Upgraded to StoreFront 3. Clients in our environment got upgraded to Receiver for Windows 4.3.


PVS will be upgraded to 7.7 eventually too, then the vDisks to 7.7. It's the only infrastructure item that's still on the older version.


Netscaler VPX is still on v10, I think.

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VDA 7.8 with the following process added to LogoffCheckSysModules works for me.



The list is actually longer but I removed our business specific apps.

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We are still on PVS 7.6 (and vDisks on 7.6), but the VDAs for all other systems are 7.7. We're now 1 week after the 2nd month of maintenance, and no stuck session so far. With that said, since we're now 2 months behind with Windows Updates, I have no choice but to reboot the PVS XA clients sometime this week. But it's encouraging that no session has been stuck again since the 7.7 VDA upgrade.


We are still good. We had our case closed for now. Below are the details:


The issue you reported to Citrix Technical Support on 11/23/2015 has been closed. This Service Request will remain active for the next 30 days if additional troubleshooting or contact with Citrix Technical Support is required. Please find the Service Request summary below: 


Opened Date: 11/23/2015

Closure Date: 4/7/2016


[1] What was the problem or question?

On occasion, some users cannot log in to Citrix. Director shows multiple sessions open in various states (Active, Disconnected, Connected). Trying to Disconnect or Logoff on them via Director is unsuccessful. There are no sessions shown for those users in Task Manager for those XenApp servers, but there is a "User" with the designation of "(4)" with 4 Windows processes in Disconnected state


XA 7.6, PVS 7.6, Windows Server 2012 R2


[2] What steps were taken to resolve the problem or answer the question?

Updated vda to 7.6.3


[3]What caused the problem or question?

citrixcseengine, customer is running 2.4 version

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I'm getting the same thing, but on a single XenDesktop 7.6 Win8.1 application (out of ~40 VMs using the same template).


Event viewer shows a logoff attempt from Citrix Desktop Service... about 3 minutes later it is followed by:


Winlogon Event ID 4004 - The Windows logon process has failed to terminate the currently logged on user's processes.

Winsrv Event ID 10002 - The following application was terminated because it was hung: explorer.exe.


The user's session doesn't show up in Citrix Studio to log off, but the user is not able to log back in afterward until I restart the entire VM.


I suppose next time it happens I should probably RDP in as a different user and see what's stuck running.

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VDA 7.8 with the following process added to LogoffCheckSysModules works for me.




The list is actually longer but I removed our business specific apps.


This seems like something I may want to do - How did you come up with that list?


I got a chance to check out my customer's XenDesktop after he managed to get it stuck logging off again. I RDP'd in as an admin and checked which processes his user account was still running and came up with this list:


VDARedirector.exe - "Citrix FTA, URL VDA Redirector (32 bit)"

ctxgfx.exe - "Citrix Graphics"

gfxmgr.exe - "Citrix Graphics Manager"

csrss.exe - "Client Server Runtime Process"

dwm.exe - "Desktop Window Manager"

taskhostex.exe - "Host Process For Windows Tasks"

explorer.exe - "Windows Explorer"

explorer.exe - "Windows Explorer" (2)

winlogon.exe - "Windows Logon Application"


The problem is, I don't know which of these is safe to add to LogoffCheckSysModules.


From the Citrix article on the topic of that registry key, it looks like I've got two basic rules to follow:

1. Do not place the executable name of the main published application in this key

2. Do not place the executable name of a secondary process that has a visible window in this key


By this, I'm assuming I can add:

* VDARedirector.exe - "Citrix FTA, URL VDA Redirector (32 bit)"

* ctxgfx.exe - "Citrix Graphics"

* gfxmgr.exe - "Citrix Graphics Manager"

* csrss.exe - "Client Server Runtime Process"

* dwm.exe - "Desktop Window Manager"

* taskhostex.exe - "Host Process For Windows Tasks"


Winlogon.exe looks like it's already baked into LogoffCheckSysModules so I can ignore that.


Jonathan Pitre - I see you've got taskhost.exe in your list so I'm guessing my taskhostex.exe is safe to add.


I'm assuming explorer.exe shouldn't get added since it has a "visible window", however, it's the one thing that event viewer calls out for being hung. I'm wondering if it would be safe to add to the list as well?


Just kind of talking out loud here. Any insight would be appreciated.

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You are correct you should not add any processes with visible windows, just the hidden ones and the tray icons.


Here's how I identify the processes that needs to be added.


I open a seamless session and launch every apps that I have publish. Then I close all of them one by one and I take a look at the ones still running. At this point I kill the remaining one(s) until I figure which one triggers a logoff. Finally I edit the  LogOffCheckSysModules value and add the problematic processes. And then I test again to ensure the session close probably.


Trial and error mostly.


I would not add explorer.exe else published explorer will just close automatically after launch.


Hope it helps.

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I just ran into this problem today where all sessions for published App IE 11 do not log off when the users close IE.  


Through troubleshooting the remaining processes that were open I found that ending task on the VDARedirector.exe ("Citrix FTA, URL VDA Redirector (32 bit)" would cause the users session to log off.  


Using guidance from http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX891671 I added VDARedirector.exe as the "LogoffCheckSysModules" and tested.  When the IE session is terminated now the session logs off as expected.  


I believe the VDARedirector.exe (URL and File Type Association redirector) is triggered by the launch of IE and possibly other browsers as I do not see it for users under Non-IE published app sessions.  This may be the reason why the problem is difficult to reproduce.  Assuming IE or other browser is not launched during the troubleshooting session. 


Hope this helps.

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Interesting, what happens if you un-register the add-ons within the browser and do not configure the LogoffCheckSysModules for VDARedirector.exe?  




To unregister Add-ons on hosted desktops

  • Internet Explorer<VDA_Installation_Folder>\VDARedirector.exe /unregIE
  • Firefox<VDA_Installation_Folder>\VDARedirector.exe /unregFF
  • Chrome<VDA_Installation_Folder>\VDARedirector.exe /unregChrome
  • All browsers<VDA_Installation_Folder>\VDARedirector.exe /unregAl
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If you have XenApp76 on windows 2012 on hyper-v. 


please check and confirm the below issues are with you:- 


1) your session stuck on the servers and give welcome scren or the logon process hangs at the "Welcome" screen or the "Please wait for the User Profile Service" error message window.

2) you find the session are discoonected status on the server and you can't logoff the users sessions.

3) you are reboot the servers and then it's work.



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We are experiencing the same problems in a customers environment


- XenApp 7.8 with one published application (IBM Notes)

- 4 CTX servers (Windows Server 2012 R2) with VDA 7.8 installed

- 1 SF server (StoreFront, Studio, Director) with XenApp 7.8 installed


All servers are Windows Server 2012 R2 (virtual on a VMware environment).


This issue occurs almost daily, so I have to put one server in maintenance mode and reboot it every day. That is not how it should be.

When this problem occurs, I see this in Taskmanager (also see screenshot)



    Client Server Runtime Process

    Desktop Window Manager

    Windows Logon Application

    Windows Logon Users Interface Host


I can't see the sessionname in TaskManager, but I can stil see the session in the Director.

It also happens sometimes that the server crashes and reboots when I'm working on this problem.



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We are experiencing the same problems in a customers environment


- XenApp 7.8 with one published application (IBM Notes)

- 4 CTX servers (Windows Server 2012 R2) with VDA 7.8 installed

- 1 SF server (StoreFront, Studio, Director) with XenApp 7.8 installed


All servers are Windows Server 2012 R2 (virtual on a VMware environment).


This issue occurs almost daily, so I have to put one server in maintenance mode and reboot it every day. That is not how it should be.

When this problem occurs, I see this in Taskmanager (also see screenshot)



    Client Server Runtime Process

    Desktop Window Manager

    Windows Logon Application

    Windows Logon Users Interface Host


I can't see the sessionname in TaskManager, but I can stil see the session in the Director.

It also happens sometimes that the server crashes and reboots when I'm working on this problem.




Instead of going to the Processes tab in Task Manager go to the Details tab. Right-click on the column heading and choose Select Columns. Choose to show the Session ID then sort the processes by Session ID. What processes are still running for the sessions that are hung? Have you tried killing some the sessions associated with the processes to see if the hung session will close?

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Hello All,


our experience with thees problem as follows:


- VDA - WS2012R2 full patched with XA76FP2 patched untit hotfix ICATS760WX64032 -  problem occours sporadically

- updated VDA with FP3 - "session hung" Problem is gone


but we must update on each FP3 VDA to UPM 5.4.1 because no "logon duration" and "Profile Infos" in Director  - user session details


Kind Regards


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@Johan, your issue sounds a lot like a known problem with XenApp 7.6 and RPM.DLL. There were some pretty significant problems with RPM.DLL in XenApp 7.6 RTM that are corrected in 7.6 FP3. Did you try a fresh install of XenApp 7.6 FP3 VDA? Have you tried 7.6 LTSR CU1?


What antivirus product are you running?

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Hi all,


we fixed this issue switching from MS GPO to Citrix policies.


Since we have removed the Microsoft GPOs for the UPM and use now the Citrix policies (in Citrix Studio) instead we dont have this issue anymore. Please note, that the Citrix policies for UPM does not work for a delivery group but for AD OU. So maybe you have to reorganize your AD structure.


After half of year having headache I hope this will help you, too.

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did you already tried to end only the dwm.exe process of the affected user?

If you do that you should get a warning message where you have to click on the checkbox and then you can click on the Button "Shut down". Sounds bad, but it only "shuts down" the User from the Server. Should not have any affect to other users on that server.


What did the user before you wanted to log him off?



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