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Add new storage to delivery controller

Frédéric LOUKA



I have a setup XenDesktop 7.5 on vSphere 5.5.

At the begining, I created a pooled catalog with 20 machines (with PvD).

As this was a quick deploy we only had one storage location to put it.

Now we have created 4more datastores, added them to the Hosts connection, but when we add more machines to the existing catalog, they are still created on the first datastore.

If we create a new catalog the VMs are spread over all datastores set in the Hosts connection. I believe this is because the catalog contains information about the datastores to put the VMs on, am I correct?

My questions:
1. Can I update the existing catalog to also contain the new datastores, or do I need to create a new catalog?
2. What is the best practice in this scenario if we may add more datastores in the future?


Thanks for your help,



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6 answers to this question

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Since XenDesktop doesn't have a Rebalance operation, I usually create separate Hosting Resources and separate Catalogs for each datastore. This gives me absolute control over datastore placement.


With MCS, if you need to move linked clones with PvD from one datastore to another, you probably need to detach the PvDs, recreate the linked clone VMs, then reattach the PvDs. See http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xenapp-xendesktop-75/cds-manage-personal-vdisks.html for more info.

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I have a setup XenDesktop 7.5 on vSphere 5.5.

At the begining, I created a pooled catalog with 20 machines (with PvD).

As this was a quick deploy we only had one storage location to put it.


Now we have created 4more datastores, added them to the Hosts connection, but when we add more machines to the existing catalog, they are still created on the first datastore.


If we create a new catalog the VMs are spread over all datastores set in the Hosts connection. I believe this is because the catalog contains information about the datastores to put the VMs on, am I correct?


My questions:

1. Can I update the existing catalog to also contain the new datastores, or do I need to create a new catalog?

2. What is the best practice in this scenario if we may add more datastores in the future?


Thanks for your help,


That doesn't sound like the correct behaviour. New machines should use the new datastores as well, adding machines should cause the base disk to replicate to the new storage.



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Hello Mark,

Thank you for your answer.

You're right, I checked and after adding some machines in the catalog, the base disk replicated to the new storage and the VM created to the new LUN too.


I tried to storage vmotion my VM from one lun to another and I saw that the operation transformed my VMDK in a real disk.

There is no more vmdk pointing to the base disk image....

I'm still able to launch my vm, etc.....


Could you please give me the process to move a VM to another storage if needed like Carl told me ?

Thank you for your help Mark !

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Yes, just update the configuration of the resource in the hosting node in the tree and select the new storage. When you create new VMs they'll use that storage as well as the existing. You can also make (possibly temporarily) the other storage not accept new VMs, which will allow you to balance the storage usage a bit.

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