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Xenapp 7.5 multiple sessions with the same user account

David Harrop




This may be a silly question but i've been trying to figure this out without any success. I'm testing a fresh 7.5 install as we are looking to move from 5. I have 2 controller/storefront servers and behind that 2 Application servers. We tend to use a generic user account for a particular remote site which inturn consists of a few machines. This works fine in 5 and did in previous versions but with 7.5 the session seems to be taken over by the next user who logs on with the same user account. I've tried the normal untick 'Restrict each user to a single session' box in RDP config but no luck.


So the question is, can you use one user account for multiple sessions as we could with previous versions or has this been removed.


Thanks in advance.

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On XenApp 7.6, you can try the experimental SessionReconnection setting available via PowerShell.  On any Server OS delivery group, run:


Set-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule <Delivery Group Name> -SessionReconnection <Value>


Where <Value> can be:

  • Always - This is the default and matches the behavior of a VDI session.  Sessions always roam, regardless of client device.
  • DisconnectedOnly - This reverts back to the XenApp 6.x and earlier behavior.  Sessions may be roamed between client devices by first disconnecting them (or using Workspace Control) to explicitly roam them.  However, active sessions are not stolen from another client device, and a new session is launched instead.
  • SameEndpointOnly - This matches the behavior of the "ReconnectSame" registry setting in XenApp 6.x.  Each user will get a unique session for each client device they use, and roaming between clients is completely disabled.
This will change the roaming behavior for desktop sessions.  For app sessions, use:
Set-BrokerAppEntitlementPolicyRule <Delivery Group Name> -SessionReconnection <Value>


Unfortunately, this feature was not fully tested in time for the 7.6 release and thus remains experimental.  Offhand, the only known issue I'm aware of is that it doesn't work properly with Connection Leasing, and during a database outage, the roaming behavior will revert back to the default of Always.  If you find any other issues, please report them via support, however we can't commit to fixing them until the next release.

Edited by Leo Singleton
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I got this to work for my Desktops but I cannot get it to work for my App Delivery Groups. No matter which -SessionReconnection value I apply, launching a new app session from another computer "steals" that session away from the first one.


7.15 CU4

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I also have this need to disable Smooth Roaming as it is important to our business model for publishing our application to our customers. Not having this feature is a show stopper to migrating from XenApp 6.5 to 7.x. I've tested with 7.0, 7.5, and 7.6 and have not been able to find a workaround so far, thus, I am considering of dropping Citrix and just going with Remote Desktop Services 2012 R2. If anyone has a workaround please let me know.



-Steve Rosadiuk

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Just a note on this multi session option.  In 7.6 the powershell settings work as described with the main annoyance being the multiple icons you see if the delivery group is set to allow more than 1 instance per user.  What really does my head in is that things like Dell/Wyse Xenith 3 terminals actually treat each icon (Desktop1, Desktop2, Desktop3 etc) from the Store as a different desktop when it comes to reconnecting (session reconnection value set to DisconnectedOnly).  So if a user on terminal 1 selects Desktop 1 and leaves it active then on terminal 2 selects desktop 2 they will get multiple desktops.  But if they choose Desktop1 on both terminals the session will roam regardless of the powershell settings!

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Just for FYI - from testing at a client site, toggling this setting from SessionReconnection value "Always" to "SameEndpointOnly" or "DisconnectedOnly" effectively terminates session sharing on the same endpoint. Toggling this back to "Always" restored this functionality.


Platform observed on was 7.6 Hotfix Update 2, Server OS VDA 7.6 with Core Services Updates










Set-BrokerAppEntitlementPolicyRule <Delivery Group Name> -SessionReconnection <Value>

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I can see in subsequent launch.ica files that the SessionsharingKey changes in each file. If i capture the launch.ica files and manipulate the SessionsharingKey manually i have the result i want.


So my question is now how can i force XenApp 7.6 or StoreFront 3.0 to use the same Sessionsharingkey for the same user after i have changed the SessionReconnection value as stated above?

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I have figured out that configuring High Availability in conjunction with SessionReconnection will break Session Sharing: http://docs.citrix.com/en-us/storefront/3/configure-high-availability-for-stores/sf-configure-ha.html#par_anchortitle_806e


I can confirm this.  This is actually a big deal breaker for me in my migration to 7.x.  I have to be able to restrict session roaming and I have to have session sharing.

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Run the following first:


asnp citrix.*


The command take a few seconds to complete but it still doesn't work.




On the delivery controller (Server 2012 R2) it works (without "asnp citrix.*).

Must I execute the "Set-BrokerAppEntitlementPolicyRule" on each server which publish a application or it's enough to run this command on my delivery controller?


Can it be that the command only available on 2012 servers?

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I noticed on a XenApp 7.6 environment that the App Entitlement Policy name doesn't update when you rename a Delivery Group


So if you experience issues using Set-BrokerAppEntitlementPolicyRule <Delivery Group Name> -SessionReconnection <Value> then use Get-BrokerAppEntitlementPolicyRule to confirm the correct 'Name'

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Hi all,


first of all, very sorry if am replying to the wrong post because i am having a question and am not able to launch a new post.


we are using citrix studio server running over virtual machine, and 2 VDAs


when u try to launch one app from the citrix studio which is installed over VDA - > it will pass and launch successfully

when u try to launch a second app -> it will fail with message (cannot start application "Appname")


any idea?

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Set-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule : No items match the supplied pattern At line:1 char:1 + Set-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule



Did you load the CTX powershell extensions?  asnp citrix.*


Seems with newer version of XenApp this statement doesn't work anymore : -SessionReconnection 



works, but if you've renamed the Delivery Group in Studio it doesn't show up correctly (meaning it shows up in Studio with the new name, but is still referenced with the old name if you look it up with powershell. Wow - excellent work there, Citrix).


Use "get-brokerentitlementPolicyRule" to find the old name and use that in "Get-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule" and all is good.

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Hello all,


In our environment we got 2 types of users,

The first type, access via Netscaler gateway to a dedicated store that configured with disabled workspace control (do not allow session reconnect, configured on the specific store in the storefront).

Because they work with the same user account on many devices simultaneously.

In this situation every application launch will be on differences session and reconnect won’t be initiated, by design (and disable prevent one session per user, for the situation of more than one session on the same server from different clients)


The second type, works with workspace control enable and session reconnect happen on every launch\refresh.


Both of types need to work on the same pool of servers, same delivery group.


On Xenapp 6.5 it works great, but in Xenapp 7.7 and above any configuration won’t make it works as we need to.


We also configured DisconnectedOnly  and SameEndpointOnly, it makes the behavior correctly on the first type ,but on the second type no reconnect happening when We launch/refresh app from different client (second type store configured with workspace control enabled, "allow session reconnect")


Any ideas?

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