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I am trying to put cloud connector to "InMaintenance" status. The PUT request is accepted but it does not change the cloud connector inMainenance status. Has anyone done this successfully?

Tomasz Mur

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Does it have anything to do with mysterious "customer" variable, which is different than "customerID" ?


put /{customer}/{customerId}/EdgeServers/{id}/InMaintenance

Then I do for instance: https://agenthub-westeurope-release-b.citrixworkspacesapi.net/$customerId/customers I get error "Customer root expected". It is same like in this case below, which was never resolved at least on citrix forum.


Can you please let me know. Am I

  1. Doing something wrong
  2. I need some root customer string for that and advice how to obtain
  3. I need root customer string or there are some other reasons, but this is how citrix wants to prevent customers from touching it.


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