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USB Foot Pedal wont work

David Patterson1709152592


We are using XenDesktop 5.5 and cannot get a USB Foot Pedal to work within the virtual desktop.
I have configured USB redirection and it works for any other USB device try so I dont think its a policy issue.
The local physical desktop installs the drivers but then when you load the VDI the device is not present.
Looking at the Event Viewer on the VDI there only error message is that
Citrix USB Redirection Service cannot complete handshake with plugin

Any ideas on how we can troubleshoot this further or what the error message is?

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9 answers to this question

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Footpedals are usually some form of Human Interface Device (HID), possibly even pretending to be keyboards. HID devices are denied by default as remoting your USB keyboard or mouse would be quite disastrous. To get this to work you will need to add explicit ALLOW rules into both the client and server USB policies. How to do this is in the product documentation.


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I have followed the advice in this article

Under the HDX Policy I have setup Client USB Redirection rule for the device:
Allow: VID=05F3 PID=00FF
Allow: Class=03 subclass=00 prot=00

I have logged on to the VDI and changed the registry to reflect this as well
HKLM\Citrix\ica Client\GenericUSB

However the pedal still does not appear. Is there something else I need to do?

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I have tested this further and Web Cams dont work either.

Looking at known issues with Xendesktop, webcams are mentioned however the fix given does not appear to be correct.

USB audio/video device redirection, such as headsets and webcam, may fail during a Virtual Desktop Agent session. To ensure successful redirection of these devices, in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\GenericUSB subkey in the registry of the server running XenDesktop, create the REG_DWORD
EnableForceRestartForHID key and set its value to 1. [#260613]

The Reg key mentioned does not exist on our Desktop Controller server. The only place is does exist is the VDI image itself. I have tried adding it to that and it makes no difference.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Have a look at https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX234916

On a Windows Client there is a registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\ICA Client\GenericUSB\DeviceRules) which denys some HDI Classes.

DeviceRules registry setting take precedent over Citrix policies in Studio, AD and Receiver.admx policies on the client computer.

After hours of searching and one hour remote session with citrix support i got pointed there.

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